So, Aliens... At Least I Get to be a Space Power Ranger Now

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"I'm Pidge," the one in green introduced themselves, "and that's Shiro," Pidge pointed at the one in black, "Hunk," yellow, "Keith," red, "you already know Lance-" Pidge was cut off by said paladin.

"But you can call me yours~" Pidge ignored him.

"And those two are Coran and Allura," Pidge pointed to the two people with... um... face paint and elf ears? Are they cosplaying or something? Is everyone here cosplaying and I'm just being left out? At least I know the space power rangers' names though. "Currently, we're on planet Arus."

Woah. Hold on. What. When the hell did I get on another planet? Scratch that, HOW the hell did I get on another planet with living, breathing people, nonetheless? Okay, yeah, some kind of robot lion took me here, but that's not what I'm trying to as- it's just, well, y'know, umm.. Why the hell am I trying to justify my own questions to myself? I know what I'm trying to ask so why am I trying to put it in words? Oh shoot. They're all staring at me like I'm crazy. Again. Congratulations (y/n), you did it again: making people think you're crazy. Which you probably are because you keep inner-monologuing and you have conversations with yourself. Agh, never mind that, just respond to them before they think they completely broke you!

"Arus, huh? I've never heard of it. Where exactly is it? In relation to Earth, I mean." I asked them, trying to sound calm, but I'm pretty sure my faced had completely blanched so they knew I was panicking.

"So, you're human then. Well that clears things up a bit," I heard Pidge mutter the last part under their breath. "And to answer your question, it very far away, to put it lightly. It's completely out of our solar system."

"Okay then... And yeah, I'm human. I mean look at me; what else could I be?"

"Well, it was a possibility that you could have been an alien with human-like features, like Allura and Coran," Pidge gestured to them.

"Wait, they're aliens?" I asked, unsure I could even comprehend what I was saying.

"Yep," Pidge nodded as they spoke.

"...hooooo-boy. Hold on...I just need to, um, sit down for a minute," I unsteadily took a seat on the floor of whatever room I was in. "Okay, let's just set some things straight and make sure I'm not going crazy. So, you five are humans and these other two are aliens and we're all on some planet a long way from home." Pidge nodded in affirmation. "Okay then. Alright. Perfectly normal. Yeah. Okay, time for more questions. One: Why are we all here? Two: Why are you all dressed like that?" I gestured to their power ranger-esque outfits.

"Please, allow me to explain," Allura stepped up to answer my questions. "As Pidge already stated, I am Princess Allura of Altea."

'Altea? Isn't that the country that Marth is from? Y'know, from the Fire Emblem series? I'm pretty sure he was human though... must be a different Altea,' I thought to myself.

"And you are the paladin of the Purple Lion. You along with the other five paladins—" She gestured to the group of humans-- "will work together to form Voltron, defender of the universe."

"Sooo, what's a Voltron?" I asked unsure.

"It's basically a giant robot made up of the six lions," Pidge answered. I stared at them blankly. "When we first made contact with the blue lion, we all had a vision of what Voltron was; didn't you experience the same?"

"Ummm, no?" I stated more as a question, unsure myself. "These past few, what has it been, hours? Days? Are all a blur to me so I don't remember much." I said. 'Not to mention I've been unconscious for so much of it,' I thought.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you come across the purple lion?" Allura asked.

"Let's see now... Well, I heard gunshots so I kinda freaked and ran for cover in some kind of warehouse, I think? And it was just sitting there. Next thing I know, I'm in space and heading straight for a ship of sorts and then I wake up here," I answered truthfully.

"Perhaps due to your state of panic, the lion had decided to show you Voltron at a later time, prioritizing your safety," Allura hypothesized. "Let's get you back to the purple lion and perhaps then you'll experience the same visions the other paladins had."

Shiro now approached me and stuck out his hand, I assume to help me up off the ground. Reaching out with my (s/c) hand, I grasped his and he pulled me up. "Thanks," I smiled at him and he smiled back in response. Allura led the way out of the room we were in, all of us trailing behind.

"First, we're going to get your armor and bayard, the traditional weapon of the paladins," Allura said while glancing back at me.

'Wait so, if I'm the purple paladin, assuming I'm purple because my lion's purple, does that mean I'll get to be the purple space power ranger? Aw, hell yeah. But, was there even a purple power ranger? I know there was a pink one, but I don't know if there was a purple one...'

I jumped a bit from the sudden weight of a hand on my left shoulder, startling me out of my thoughts. I heard a small chuckle following my jump, only to see it was Shiro to the left of me who put his hand on my shoulder. "Welcome to the team," he said to me, a warm smile on his face. I smiled back, but still a bit unsteady with nervousness.

"Nice to be a part of it...I think...that's a good thing, right?" I asked him.

"If you want to be a part of it, then yes, it is," he replied, that warm, reassuring smile still gracing his features.

"Of course, I do! I'm just, well, still a bit confused about everything. It's a lot to take in." 'Plus, who doesn't want to be a space power ranger?'

"I'm sure you'll adjust in no time at all. Don't forget that we'll be here for you, too." Shiro reassured me.

"Thanks, Shiro. I mean it. It's nice to know that someone's got my back in all this crazy mess." Shiro smiled at me and removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Here we are," I heard Coran say from in front of us, drawing my attention back to the front.

"Now, let's get you into your paladin armor," Allura said, walking in, me following right behind.

A/N: Alright, we're back on track now baby with another dialogue heavy chapter. Anyways, from now on, I plan on making chapters shorter, that way I can publish them more frequently and in shorter intervals of waiting between chapters. But anyways, short little bonding moment with space dadddddddd. I'm not experienced with fluff whatsoever, but I'll try to incorporate as much as possible. I mean c'mon, it's a reader insert. There's gotta be a ton of fluff especially with this beautiful cast of characters. Well, until next time!



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