...To be Loved By Anyone

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Tw: some self-loathing, but then comfort.


Two stars, suns, eyes-glowing in the dark beyond. They collide, then drift apart. Pressure. Too much pressure. It hurts. I can't breathe. My head is being forced apart. It hurts. Stop it. STOP IT. MAKE IT STOP. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE! STOP! PLEASE! MAKE! IT! STOP!

. . .

Nothing, nowhere, just dark again. Then it's light. Then there's color. Then there's purple light around me, and a purple mass in front of me. Who is that? I see an arm and a replacement for an arm. It's Sendak's mechanical arm. It's Sendak a few paces in front of me. Then there's a purple and white scythe in his shoulder that quickly dematerializes into a bayard and clatters on the ground. I see red. The red of his one bionic eye. Then it's nothing once more.

. . .

It's cold. But not a dark cold. A refreshing cold. Opening my eyes, I was met with the same blue as before. I was in one of those healing pods. This time, as the lid vanished, I made sure not to fall flat on my face. I was successful! I landed on my hands and knees instead and that absolutely killed my knees; it felt like someone broke them with a wrench. Specifically, this wrench! With a small groan, I moved my legs out from underneath me and oh so gracefully plopped myself down on my butt to sit cross-legged. Looking around, I noticed nobody else in the room. With a heave-ho, I lifted myself up, wobbling a little bit. It was at this point I was wearing a white, skin-tight body suit, which meant somebody changed me out of my paladin armor and if it was anybody besides Allura, I'll kill them.

'Wonder where everyone is. Eh, I'll just go change into my actual clothes, I guess,' I thought with a shrug and headed off to my room.

This time, I didn't get lost getting to my room...okay, maybe I took one wrong turn, but it was only one, I swear! After entering and locking the door behind me, I stripped myself of the body suit and went to put on my regular clothes. As I was slipping my shirt on, I noticed it held a slight floral aroma to it. Did somebody wash my clothes for me? Y'know what, I'm not gonna think about it. After finishing putting on normal people clothes, I folded up the body suit and sat on bed, just staring at it. Memories of what happened before filled my mind. My hands dug into the fabric, but I didn't notice.

"What a sad excuse for a paladin you are, (y/n)..."

With a heavy sigh, I stood up to walk back to the healing pod room. If the paladins are looking for me, they're gonna check there first, so I might as well go back. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I ambled back over to the room I had woken up in. Walking past the automatic doors, I was met with the sight of Lance and Hunk freaking out, the Alteans and the other paladins just looking at them funny.

"Eyo, what's with all the screaming? Somebody find a dead body?" I asked from the doorway.

"(y/n)'s gone!" Hunk screamed out.

"Yup. Long gone. Outta here. Never to be seen again. (y/n)'s soul has left (y/n)'s body and is on a one-way trip to the afterlife, or to perhaps fulfil their long-lost dream of becoming a lap cat." I deadpanned, no hint of emotion in my voice whatsoever.

"Wait- (y/n)!" Hunk finally realized that I was literally right in front of him. He than ran up to me and then squeezed the life out of me in a hug, easily lifting me off of the ground.

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