Two Eyes In the Dark

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The paladins and I, minus Shiro, made our way to what I'm going to call the 'lounge room.' It was just a normal, empty room of mostly gray with a sunken-in floor in the middle which served as a circular couch or bench. Whatever you want to call it. Hunk sat on the far left, Lance laid down, taking up the middle and the mid-left, Keith sat to the right of him, and Pidge sat at the far-right end of the couch. Seeing as how Lance took up half of the space on the couch-bench thing, leaving no space next to Hunk, and I don't think Keith really trusts me yet, I decided to sit down next to Pidge. Exhausted from all the stress I had to endure over the past few days (and the fact that I was being shot at by lasers only ten minutes prior by my ALLIES) I felt my eyelids grow heavy, too heavy to keep them open. Turning to Pidge, I poked their arm a couple times to get their attention.

"Hey, can you—" I was interrupted by my own yawn, "—can you wake me up when it's time to do stuff again?" Pidge gave me a single nod in response. Smiling at them, I got comfortable in my seat and barely registered how my surroundings became more muted and fuzzy.

Inky black. That was all I saw. Just pure emptiness. Nothing to show that there was anything out there. No sounds, sights, smells; not even a speck of light. Just pure, unadulterated nothingness. Then a whisper, so faint that it was barely there; you had to strain your ears to even pick up the slightest portion of it. Then an onslaught of voices, thousands of them, speaking in different tones, different pitches, different languages, constantly getting louder and louder. I tried to cover my ears, but I couldn't move my arms- I couldn't feel my arms. It was just an endless cacophony of voices, yelling in my ears. It hurt. IT HURTS. MAKE IT STOP.

"Two...eyes..." A voice louder than the rest bellowed within my head. "Two eyes... in the dark..." Two bright lights shone in the distance. Pressure on my shoulder. The void shook. My eyes opened. Pidge shook me awake.

"Oh, is it time for stuff now?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Yeah, we're all heading down to the training deck to do some, well, training stuff."

"Oh, okay," I mumbled and got up, beginning to follow Pidge out of the room, seeing the other Paladins and Alteans a few yards ahead of us down the hall. "Two eyes in the dark..." I mumbled to myself under my breath. I wonder what that was all about.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" Pidge looked back at me and asked, not stopping their strides."

"What? Oh, no, it's nothing. Just a weird dream I had," I replied. Pidge just shrugged and turned back around. 'I wonder if the food goo's the reason for the weird ass dream I had. Well, I hope my dreams return to normal sooner rather than later. Unless I get dreams with a bunch of people who make you go "Hot Damn!" when you see them, because that's more than okay. I want dreams with pretty people so that they can all love me, and I'll love them because THAT, my friends, is the true meaning of my existence. Or it might not be. Who knows. OK, enough with the philosophical shit, it's too early for that. Let's just focus on doing some training with the others.'


~Pidge's P.O.V.~

I was sitting down n the bench with the rest of the paladins, besides Shiro, glad to finally have a breather after trying to dodge all the lasers being fired at us from the Castle. I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder, so I looked to my left to see what it was and woah, that's (y/n) sleeping on my shoulder.

'Uh, what do I do in this kind of situation?' I thought to myself, feeling my cheeks get a bit warm. 'I guess I'll just have to leave her be? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I'll just ignore the fact that I can now feel her soft hair and everything'll be fine. Yup.' My attention was then brought away from (y/n) and to the door having opened, seeing Allura and Coran walk through, talking about the Castle's systems.

A/N: Yo whaddup. Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I'm in a bout of insomnia right now so life is hell. But heyyy, I hope you enjoyed that little bonus, and I'm sorry if Pidge is kinda OOC but whatever. And we're getting a little glimpse into the reader's lore. I've got some big plans ahead for the reader's personal future, if that makes any sense at all. Like always, thanks for stickin with me, and I hope you've enjoyed. (Psst, you should talk to me sometime, y'know, hook ya gurl up with some friends AKA you all *wink* *wonk* or just ask me stuff. I like to answer questions about myself because I like it when people are actually interested in me.)



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