I Did Not Agree to Any Dive Bombing

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Part One

The Beginning



Just warning you now, but the reader won't come in until later in the chapter. There will be mention of the reader as the paladin of the purple lion(purple rolls off the tongue better than Violet) throughout the chapter, though, and if you skip ahead, there'll be very little content to read, since most of it is taken directly from the episode. I'll bold everything mentioned about the purple lion and the reader, so it's easier to skip through.


Meanwhile, on Arus:

The five soon-to-be-paladins had just finished getting acquainted with the Alteans and the mice, when the castle's alarms started blaring. A holographic screen popped up, showcasing an image of a purple-themed spaceship of sorts.

"A Galra battleship has set its tracker to us!" Coran exclaimed as everyone set their sights to the center console with said hologram.

"How did they find us?" Allura walked up to the console, holding the mice in her hands.

"I'm not sure, but I bet it's Keith's fault," Lance slightly sneered, crossing his arms.

"Say whatever you've got to say to make yourself feel better," Keith sassed back, glaring at Lance out of the corner of his eye before full on turning to face Lance, "after getting us stuck on the other side of a wormhole!"

Lance got right up in Keith's face, only a few inches apart, "I'll stick you in a wormhole!"

"Stow it, cadets!" Shiro gave Lance a firm, yet gentle push away from Keith, causing Lance to throw both his arms up in the air. "This is no time to place blame; It's time to work as a team. How long before they arrive?" Shiro finished, directing his question towards Coran.

"At their speed? Oh, well, carry the two..." Coran then seemed to try to mentally calculate the time estimate, using his fingers as aides. "I'd say probably a couple of days," Coran answered with a slightly unsure cadence.

"Good. Let them come!" Allura firmly exclaimed, her demeanor filled with determination. "By the time they get here, we will have allied with the missing paladin, the six of you will have reformed Voltron, and together, we will destroy Zarkon's empire!"

The serious atmosphere was interrupted by Hunk's sudden belch. "Sorry," Hunk smiled sheepishly and clasped his hands together, bits of food goo around his mouth, "food goo." Hunks stomach rumbled immediately afterwards.

"Princess, there are six of these lions," Shiro pulled the conversation back on topic, "How are we going to find the rest? And how will we find the other paladin?"

The soon-to-be-paladins(or are they paladins now that Allura has stated that they will form Voltron? Yeah, I think that allows me to call them paladins now.) and the Alteans made their way to cockpit, or main control room, of the castle. Allura made her way towards the center pedestal, which became enveloped in a soft light blue light as soon as she stood in the center of it.

"King Alfor connected the lions to Allura's life force," Coran informed as he and the paladins stood a few meters away, observing what Allura was doing. "She alone is the key to the lions' whereabouts." A holographic map of the immediate universe sprung forth from where Allura was standing, coating the entire room with planets, constellations, and the like, made of the same light blue light as before, causing a simultaneous 'whoa!' to escape the mouths of the paladins.

"These are coordinates," Pidge stated, everyone else still too awestruck to speak. Pidge raised his hand to his chin as the hologram of the planet they were on floated nearby.* "The Black Lion looks like it's in the same location as the Blue Lion."

Perpendicular: The Beginning (Voltron x reader)Where stories live. Discover now