I was Expecting Scooby-Doo, not This!

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Part 2 of the special!!! TW: insignificant character death (one of the Linganians dies)

I didn't stop until I had completely run out of breath, almost collapsing onto my knees. I laced my fingers together on top of my head to help get my breathing in check, opposed to bracing myself on my knees. It was dark in the hallway, and I couldn't see much since my flashlight was directed at the ceiling.

"HOLY FUCK!" I screeched when I felt a hand grab my arm.

Whipping out my bayard, I swung it and myself around to attack whoever was behind me but was halted when a pair of hands grabbed my arms and stopped me short. Looking up at whoever stopped me, I was met with the face of Keith, whose eyes were looking at me like I was crazy.

"Hey, calm down, (y/n)," he said in a surprisingly gentle voice. He didn't let go of my arms until I had lowered them and then put my bayard away. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I am," I panted out, still out of breath. "This place just has me on edge, I guess. It's like a haunted house." I looked up and down the halls with my flashlight this time around but didn't notice anything worth mentioning. And then it dawned on me. "Keith! We forgot Shiro! We gotta go back for him!" I took off running but then realized that I had no idea where I was going. I halted in my tracks and turned back to Keith. "Um, you wouldn't happen to know where Shiro is, would you?"

"No, we were separated from him when whatever that thing was charged," he said before walking up to me. "But Shiro can take care of himself, so we should keep going. The sooner we run into someone else, the better."

He began to walk further down the hall and banked left when coming across a crossroads. I jogged a little to catch up with him and then matched his pace. We walked in silence for a short while because I really didn't know what to say to Keith. We hadn't really had time to get to know each other. Well, better late than never I suppose. And now is a perfect opportunity to do so since there's literally nothing else to do but walk in silence.

"So, Keith..." I trailed off, linking my hands together behind my back. "What do you consider fun?"

"What...?" He looked at me like I was crazy. His response was completely justified.

"I don't know, just trying to spark a conversation with weird ambiguous questions."


"Alright, next question: if you could decide what color your tongue would be a for a week, what color would you choose?"

"Why would I want to change the color of my tongue?"

"Because you can?" He still looked at me strangely. "Well, I'd choose (f/c). What about you?"

"I still don't know why I'd change it."

"Fine, next question. What's your favorite animal?"


"Hippos?" He nodded. "That's adorable. I'm sorry, that's just too fucking cute."

"Mmm," Keith hummed out, walking a little bit faster.

I couldn't resist. I took a deep breath and "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas~ Only a hippopotamus will do! Don't want a crocodile or—" I was cut off by Keith slamming his hand over my mouth.

"Shh," He shushed me, "Look, we're going down those stairs and we don't know what's down there. So, we've got to keep quiet, okay?"

I nodded my head before he removed his hand from my mouth and started heading down the flight of stairs a few paces in front of us. Heading down the stairs, we were met with a long hallway that had two doors on either side.

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