1: school

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Madilyn's POV

"Oh, God..." I mumble to myself as I stand in front of my new school. Ariel and Haylee were standing next to me with Ariel in the middle as always, and they looked at me oddly.

"What's wrong?" Haylee asks me.

"First day of school, that's what's wrong." I sigh. I guess this isn't so bad. I already have friends, so I don't have to stress about not having anybody to sit with at lunch, and I also have an amazing boyfriend...

Speaking of boyfriend, I hear his voice from behind me call my name. I turn around and smile at him as he pulls me into a hug. It's been a few weeks since the party, and we've been dating since that night after I told him that I loved him. And I can actually say now that I'm happy; I'm glad I chose him.

"Hey gorgeous," he grins, leaning down and kissing my lips quickly. "How's the first day so far?"

"I just got here." I tell him with a laugh as he slips his hand in mine.

"Ehem," Haylee coughs from next to us. Oh yeah, I forgot I was standing with them. She gives me a smile, "We'll see you later Madilyn."

"I really hope we have classes together. Let me see your schedule." He says and I hand him the paper that I was already holding in my hand. His eyes look over it, and a small frown shows on his lips. "We only have one class together."

"Aw..." I share the same frown as him. "What class is it?"

"Algebra 2."

"What the hell? That sounds hard!" I whine and look at the paper. I never really looked at my schedule, I had my mom do that for me.

"Well you're obviously really good at math if you're in it this year." he puts his arm around my shoulder again and we walked towards the doors to the school. I'm not ready to go back to school... at least I already know people.

People stared at me when I walked in, I was either known as the "new girl" or the "girl that got punched in the face by Taylor Caniff."

"Where's your locker?" he asks me.

"Um... I don't know. It's kind of my first time in this school." I tell him with a shrug and he takes my paper again, looking at my locker number.

"It's kind of near mine," he smiles, leading me to wear my locker is.

"Thank you." I smile, leaning up a little to peck his lips since nobody was looking. "I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I love you beautiful."

I smile, "I love you too."

When he's gone, I open my locker and put some stuff in there. After a while, someone comes up to me. "Madilyn!" I hear, turning my head to see Mahogany. "Guess what? We're freaking locker neighbors."

"Really? Yay!" I laugh as she pulls me into a hug. I haven't talked to her since the party, and I've missed her even though it's only been a few weeks. "See if we have classes together!" I say, handing her my schedule. She looks it over and grins. "We have every class together except Algebra 2 and PE."

"Wait, I have PE? Are you kidding me? Hell no." I groan as she laughs at me, but it's not funny. I hope the teacher doesn't expect me to participate.

"You have to call him coach at all times, by the way. He will give you detention if you don't. So don't even try being lazy in the gym, or he'll despise you the whole year." she gives me tips but I'm not going to actually listen to them. Whether he'll hate me or not, I don't like gym.

"So what's our first class?" I ask her, peering over her shoulder to look at the schedule.

"Biology! Don't worry, the teacher is really nice; you'll like her. If she's your first class of the day then you're bound to start the day off in a good mood." She assures me. Well, that makes me feel better.

Mahogany and I walk down towards the biology room, her leading the way because I had no clue where to go. I'm glad to have her in most of my classes, so she can show me where everything is.

When we get in there, the first person I see is Shawn. He's sitting there with the side of his face pressed against the table and a tired look on his face. When his eyes lock with mine he frowns, but it's gone just like that.

"Hey, Shawn!" Mahogany smiles at him and sits at the table behind his. Each table sits two people at it, probably because we will get lab partners for stuff throughout the year I guess. She tells me to sit next to her so I do.

"Hi." Shawn replies to her with no expression and looks away.

She looks at him oddly but shrugs off his weird behavior and turns back to me. "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Uh, nope." I shrug, forcing a smile. But I do know what's wrong with him, it's the fact that he has to see me and sit in the same classroom with me when we're not together. At least, that's what he told me when we talked last. I looked at the back of his head, gulping down the guilt.

Suddenly, he grabbed his stuff and stood up, walking to the back of the room. He sat on the opposite side of the room, staring straight ahead as I stared at him with a hurt look.

What hurt was that he wanted to get as far away from me as possible, and what hurt worse was that now he didn't want anything to do with me.




So now we're left with Cam, Tay, and Matt. ooh.

but let me say something real quick. shawnilyn may not be dead for sure, you never know what's going to happen later in the story ;)

That is all.

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