37: last mattlyn moment

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Cameron's POV

Aubrey hasn't changed her mind about wanting to date me yet and I wasn't going to stop trying just because she didn't want a relationship. I was actually making progress with it anyway, slowly showing her I wasn't going to break her heart.

We didn't go to the same school, but she only lived about twenty minutes away. During the week we don't hangout that much but I text her nonstop.

In fact, I was texting her right now. It was Wednesday night and I should probably be sleeping right now but I wasn't.

*iMessage between Cam & Aubrey*

Cam: do u want to go out with me and nash & his Girlfriend this Friday?

Aubrey: are you asking me to go on a double date with you and your best friend?¿?¿¿??¿

Cam: maybe¿?¿¿???¿¿

Aubrey: I'll think about it can

Cam: can?

Aubrey: what

Cam: you just called me can

Aubrey: oops sorry can ;)

Cam: you're flirting with me you know that right

Aubrey: no I'm not go to sleep

Cam: what if I want you to keep flirting with me


I shut my phone off and smiled wide to myself, falling asleep quickly in a happy mood.

Madilyn's POV

Everyone around me was happy. I realize that on Thursday in the lunchroom.

Taylor and Jordan sat with us (Mahogany, Ariel, Haylee and I) at our table and they just flirted so much. They both looked so happy together and they weren't even official yet. Jacob and Mahogany were the happiest couple I've ever seen if I'm being honest. As I looked around the lunchroom, my eyes landed on Matt and his new girlfriend. I was jealous at first but now not so much. I wasn't jealous because I had Shawn and I was also extremely happy to see Matt with a smile on his face.

Cameron seemed to be really into this Aubrey girl, and Nash was happier than ever before now that he had Kam.

I just really hope it all stays this way.


Later that night, I was getting ready to go to sleep knowing I had school the next day. When I got in bed, my phone started ringing. I was shocked when I saw it was Matthew calling me, but I answered anyway. "Matt?"


"What's up?" I ask him.

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"Is everything okay?"

"I know it's late, and I know we have school tomorrow, but can I drive to your house? I want to talk to you. In person." He says and now I'm just completely confused. Has he lost his mind? Why does he even wanna talk to me all the sudden?

"Matt I don't think that's a good idea."

"I'll just drive there and we can sit in my car until I leave. It will only be about ten minutes."

"Why can't we just talk on the phone?"

"I need to see you."

I sigh, thinking for a long time. He stays quiet while I make up my mind, and I decide to check if everyone else in the house is asleep. When I realize they're all in their rooms fast asleep, I tell him to hurry up.


"I still don't see why you needed to drive here when it's almost midnight." I say to Matt when I get into his car. He laughs, or at least attempts to, and I want to know what's wrong with him. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"You. You're on my mind." he says without hesitation but now I have nothing to say, so I stay quiet. "I'm dating Becca. You know that right?"


"I'm going to get over you, but I just wanted to spend these last few minutes with you and talk to you about this."

"Matt, it's not like we can't be friends." I tell him.

He laughs in a sarcastic way, rolling his eyes. "Friends? After everything we went through?"

"I don't know what you're trying to say."

"I'm just letting you know that I'm going to miss what we had. I knew it was always Shawn for you. I don't know why I kept trying..."

"Listen Matt, I can tell Becca is a great girl for you. You're with her for a reason. You like her a lot don't you?" I ask him and he nods, looking at his lap.

"I will get over you sometime, Madilyn, but right now you're what I think about all the time." He says truthfully.

"I'm sorry..." I say quietly and lean over, hugging him. He wraps his arms around me and buries his head in my shoulder. We hold each other for a long time, me rubbing his back soothingly until I finally pull away. "Stay with Becca, she seems amazing."

"Thanks Madilyn." he smiles sadly. I nod, opening his car door.

"You can talk to me whenever. You're still my best friend no matter what." I say right before stepping out of his car, quietly going back into my house. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. That was good for us, for Matt and I. I'm sure going to miss what we had, but I don't think that was ever meant to be.


Some mattlyn for mattlyn shippers that still exist!!

GUYS CAN YOU PLEASE go read my new Cameron story that I just published?! It was the first chapter and it kind of sucks, but it will get SO much better bc im so so excited.

Please go read it I'm thirsty

Thank you guys you're all my best friends

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