26: make your best mistakes

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A lot of you guessed the right song but the person who guessed it first gets this chapter dedicated to them and I'll message them after I publish this chapter! I will say who it was at the end! (:

Madilyn's POV

My mom had to drop me off at Shawn's house because I couldn't drive and she told me to text her when I needed to be picked up.

I knock on Shawn's door when I get onto his porch and when the door opens he's standing there. "Hey Madilyn."

"Hi Shawn." I say and he welcomes me into his house.

"Nobody's home." he says.

"Okay, so are you going to tell me what song you're going to cover?" I ask him with a small smile. His cheeks are tinted red like they were a lot and it was adorable.

"It's actually not a cover," he coughs, "I wrote it."


"Come sit down at the piano with me." He says softly to me, his fingers brushing over mine. I thought he was going to grab my hand but he quickly pulls it away from mine. I sit down with him on the bench by the piano and he lets out a nervous breath. "I know you know this already but I'm not that good at the piano. I've been taking lessons with Aaliyah though and I'm getting a lot better."

"I know, I know." I laugh quietly and set my hand on his, trying to make him less nervous. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I- I just really want you to like my song." He replies quietly, staring at the keys on the piano.

"I would love it even if it was about ketchup, Shawn. I love your voice. You could be singing about how ugly I am and I would still love it."

"You're beautiful." He says quickly.

"Just sing, okay?" I say softly and he nods slowly. He brings his hand up and lightly brushes his fingers over the keys. Letting out one more breath, he starts to play the piano.

"I love it when you just don't care, I love it when you dance like there's nobody there," he starts to sing softly with his eyes focused on his hands playing the piano and I just sit there watching him.

"Cause we don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes..."

"We don't have the time to be sorry, so baby be the life of the party. I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary, hearts are gonna break, cause we don't have time to be sorry..." He keeps singing and honestly for a song he wrote on his own it's absolutely amazing. I'm already in love with it.

"Together we can just let go, pretend like there's no one else here that we know, slow dance, fall in love..."

My eyes start to water as I sit there and watch him sing with his eyes closed. He loves singing, this is what he was meant to do. He's amazing.

"We don't care what them people say..."

"We don't have the time to be sorry, so baby be the life of the party..." he finishes and plays a few more keys before slowly pulling his hands away from the piano. His head falls onto my shoulder and we just sit there in silence.

"Why are you being quiet?" he asks after a while.

"That... was-- it was--" I'm at a loss for words. "Perfect, Shawn. That was absolutely amazing."

"I've been writing for a long time." He admits, his head still on my shoulder and us still sitting at the piano.

"How long?"

"Since you first heard me sing."

"That long?" I ask him and he nods against my shoulder. We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes. That part of his song keeps repeating in my head like it's stuck there.


Shawn and I hung out most of winter break, working on covers. He started to make vines before posting an actual cover and I wasn't surprised when he reached ten thousand followers in three days. The day before Christmas Eve I was at his house again and he was so happy.

"Madilyn!" He screams when I come into his house, excited about something.


"I'm so close to one hundred thousand on vine!" he grins at me and I grin right back at him. He grabs me and hugs me very tightly as I laugh and hug him back. "Let's post my first cover on YouTube tonight."

"Okay, which one?" I ask him as we sit down on the couch and he opens his laptop.

"I want to post Hometown Glory first." He says.

"That's a good first one to post." I tell him and he can't stop smiling as it starts uploading. He quickly goes to make a vine and tell all of his one hundred thousand followers that he's posting a cover on YouTube. When he's done, he pulls me into another hug.

"Thank you so much, Madilyn," he says into my neck, his voice muffled. "I couldn't have had the guts to do this without you."

I nod when he pulls away with a smile on my face. He looks at me with the same smile, holding my hand in his. Before I can process what's going on, Shawn is leaning over and pressing his lips to mine. I don't pull away, instead I kiss him back because this is what I've been wanting to happen these past few days. I've been falling for him all over again and I have no idea if that's a mistake or not.

I'm making my best mistakes.




okay so the first person to guess Life of the Party was jordanaaa___ (: A lot of you guessed it! The song is amazing by the way. If you haven't yet you should go get it on iTunes. SHAWN GOT NUMBER ONE SO FAST ON THE CHARTS I AM SO PROUD OKAY

so yeah, I'll message you and dedicate this chapter to you and ask you about being in this fanfic and all that.



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