31: detention

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When you guys were commenting all your favorite parts of these stories I just got sO EMOTIONAL because MEMORIES.


Madilyn's POV

In biology the next day, Mrs. D was awfully excited about Shawn being back.

"How was Chicago?" she asks him and the whole class listens to their conversation and we all have a group conversation about Shawn instead of getting started in class.

"It was fun." he replies with a smile. I can't help but keep my own little smile on my face because I'm happy for him.

"I love Chicago!" Amanda says a little bit too excitedly and the whole class turns to look at her. "You're an amazing singer, Shawn." She smiles at him and bats her eyelashes and I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

What a bitch. I remember the discussion we had in the locker room one time. Well it wasn't really a discussion, more like an argument.

"Still mad at me for ruining your relationship with Matt?" she asked me a few days after she sent that picture of Shawn kissing me to him.

"You know that nothing really happened between me and Shawn, right?" I ask her while glaring.

"Oh, of course I do. I know he was just singing to you and crying like a little bitch. By the way, you should tell him to just stop singing. It's not his thing." She smiles to herself and I try my best to restrain from strangling her.

"He's an amazing singer, and he's going to go farther than you ever will."

She shakes her head at me. "Whatever. He's not much." and she walks out of the locker room leaving me there very irritated.

She called him "not much" and said "he won't ever go far" and claimed "he should just give up" and now that she knows he's going somewhere she's trying to suck up to him.

"So now you think he's an amazing singer?" I speak up and the whole class looks from Amanda to me. "Remember that time you told me that he should just give up because he won't go anywhere?"

"I would never say that!" she fake gasps and acts like she's actually offended.

"Oh really because you did."

"Madilyn, do you have a problem?" the teacher asks me as the class just watches in amusement, happy to have some type of drama in their boring lives.

"I- uh- well- no." I sigh and slump back into me seat and she gets up to teach, so I turn to Amanda and flip my favorite finger up at her. When I turn back, Mrs. D is staring at me with disapproval.

"Don't assume I didn't see what you just did. Go see the principle."

Amanda snickers quietly to herself and I can see Shawn trying not to laugh at me as I stand up. Mahogany just chuckles to herself while I get handed a slip and I walk shamefully out of the classroom.


"Great job baby," the sound of Shawn's laughter comes from behind me while I'm at my locker, first period now being over. "What happened in the office?"

"I got detention for after school." I sigh and turn around in his hold. "It just made me mad how she was acting like that towards you now that she knows you're getting big."

"Hey, I'm not getting big just yet Madilyn. And don't worry, I know how fake she is. I don't like her and you know that." he leans down to kiss my cheek and I smile. "I'll see you later okay?"

I nod and he leaves as Mahogany comes over to me. "Hey girl."

"Hey." I smile at her and we both get our stuff to go to our next class.


At the end of the day when I was walking into the detention room, the first two people I saw were Taylor and Dillon.

"Great. What did you idiots do this time?" I laugh.

"What did we do? I wanna know the same thing about you!" Taylor laughs and I roll my eyes.

"I'll have you know that I've had detention four times in my life." I say to him and he just cocks an eyebrow.

"Yeah, probably for being tardy and shit."

I don't say anything because it's actually true. He knows that it is so he laughs again.

"Dillon mooned the class and I got caught video taping it, so we both got detention. Who cares though because it was hilarious." Taylor explains as they both laugh over it. I can't help but laugh too because it's not surprising they did that.

"I flipped Amanda off in front of the teacher, but my story isn't as cool as yours..."

Matthew's POV

"Who's this?" Alexa asks when Amanda and another girl walks up to our table in the library. I've never seen this girl before and she looks kind of shy and scared walking next to Amanda.

"Everyone, this is Becca." Amanda introduces her as the other four of us stare at her. By four of us I mean Alexa, Anastasia, Kylie and I.

Becca was a pretty girl with long brown hair. She seemed nice and her blue tips at the edge of her hair made her seem like the type of girl to be fun to hangout with. What I liked about her already was her bright blue-green eyes.

"I just moved here." Becca says as her and Amanda sit at our table in the library.

Things might seem different, considering I'm hanging out with freaking Alexa. Everyone knows how much I hate her. But I've decided I wanted to be apart of this. Their group, I mean.

"You're lucky; Amanda would usually be a complete bitch to new girls and ruin their lives." Alexa says and Becca just laughs. Even though she's laughing, she looks scared as hell. I can tell Amanda and this group is not the usual type of people she hangs out with. She's too nice to hang out with Amanda and them. Well, I guess me too because I'm apart of it now.

But this girl is way too sweet and innocent and I don't want her to change into another version of Amanda or Alexa. I barely know her but I can just tell. I have to warn her.

"Do you want me to show you around town?" I ask Becca and she looks at me nervously, then to Amanda as to ask if it's okay.

Amanda laughs. "Aw, looks like Matty Boy has a crush!"

I roll my eyes and stand up from my chair as the librarian shushes our table. I tell Becca to come with me and she stands hesitantly. I just smile at the shy girl and lead her out of the library.



so... I need one more character for this story. I've got lots of stuff planned until the end now! (sorry that it's been getting boring)

anyway, if you want to be the very last character I'm adding then read my next update which isn't a chapter i'm just going to have you comment on that and say if you want to be a character and I'll pick someone.

As you can see, I've added three of my readers into this story already! (Kam, Jordan, and Becca)

OH AND.... Will you guys.... follow me... on instagram.... please :) (:

my ig is: x.madilyn.x


My name is Madilyn but the character in this story is NOT supposed to look like me okay?! she just has my name! (I'M NOT PRETTY ENOUGH TO GET ALL TJOSE BOYS TO LIKE ME IN REAL LIFE SO YEAH)

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