19: Cameron Dallas

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Madilyn's POV

When I got home Monday night I was too tired to talk to Shawn or anyone else, so I just went straight to bed. I already knew how bad school was going to go tomorrow. Getting only a few hours of sleep didn't help anything.

Just like I thought, I woke up the next morning with major exhaustion. I could barely keep my eyes open as I got ready. I wore leggings and a shirt that I was pretty sure was Ariel's. Anyway, I looked like a disaster but I really didn't care today.


"Text me when you land." Jack J said to me as he hugged me goodbye. There probably won't be a time for them to come visit me again for a while, considering it's way too long of a drive to come a lot and they can't just fly down to North Carolina whenever they want.

"Okay," I smile at him. I move onto Jack G and he's smiling sadly at me.

"Hey, I forgot to ask. What's going on with you and Matt now?" he asks me while we hug.

"We haven't talked," I tell him, "I'll let you know if anything happens. Oh and you do the same thing with Leigh."

"Okay. I'll miss you Madilyn."

"I'll miss you too." I tell him, smiling and going to say goodbye to Sam. I didn't know if it was awkward between us or not. We were both pretty drunk at that party and... I don't really want to remember what we did but it's pretty clear in my head.

"Hey..." I say to him. He stands there with his hands in the pocket of his sweatpants, still half asleep.

"Hey," he says. "So, you know about that party? Um..."

"Can we just forget about it?" I interrupt him. I speak quietly so neither of the Jacks will hear our conversation and he does the same.

"It was both of our first time, how can I just forget about something like that?" he frowns.

"Sam..." I sigh, glancing at the line to the plane. I need to leave soon. The lady on the intercom speaks and says my flight leaves in fifteen minutes. "I didn't mean it like that. There's nothing we can do about it because I'm leaving and you're in college and we won't see each other for a while."

"I know," he says, leaning forward and pulling me into a hug. I hug him back and melt into his warmth. I don't want to leave. It would be so much easier to go back to when it was just me, Jack, Jack, and Sam. Besides the fact that my dad never let me leave the house and hangout with them. "Call me tomorrow or something."

I nod and pick up my bag. I hug each of them again for a shorter amount of time and smile at them all. I won't be seeing them for who knows how long...


School was terrible. I was too tired to function and I couldn't focus on any of my work. All I could think about was how tired I was and Sam Wilkinson. I just wanted to sleep, and sometimes I found myself wanting to play video games with Hayes.

It was chilly and windy outside, and since it was the middle of October there were leaves everywhere. I was walking home because Ariel had to stay after school for something. I feel so bad for her. She's been so sad and I haven't seen her smile one time since Jake cheated on her. The fact that he cheated on her with Amanda made the case ten times worse.

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