4: him

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Madilyn's POV

I was not expecting him to come in. I seriously haven't talked to him since the party.

"Uh... What are you doing here?" I ask him, now standing up from my bed.

"I came here to finally apologize for punching you in the nose..." he shows a hint of a smile, but I don't return it. "I was going to talk to you at school and say sorry because I really am so sorry. I didn't remember any of the fight when I woke up the next morning, but my friend Dillon showed me a video and when I saw that I hit you I--"

"Tay, it's fine. I'm over it." I cut him off and he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. I need him to leave before...

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hear Matt's voice from behind him and Taylor turns around.

"I was-"

"I don't care. You need to leave." He glares at him and comes over to my side, hooking his arm around my waist.

"Matt, you don't have to be so mean..." I try to tell him softly, "He is your best friend, you know."

"No, he was my best friend. That means no more."

"I just came to apologize to Madilyn, you don't have to be an asshole." Taylor says to Matt. I glance up at Matt and his jaw is clenched. Matt does not like Taylor at all anymore, and I know that the fight isn't the only reason why. There's another reason behind it but Matt will not tell me what it is.

"You should go, Tay..." I say to him, trying the best I can to not sound like a bitch.

He looks at me with sadness, but nods and slowly turns around to leave. Right when he's gone, Matt pulls me against him and kisses me. I was surprised at the sudden contact but I kissed back, slipping my arms around his neck. His hands went up to my face and just then my little sister's voice speaks from my doorway.

"I'm home and Mommy said to-" and she gasps, then screams, pointing at us. "Mommy!" she runs back down the stairs and I start laughing, my cheeks flushing.

"We probably should have closed the door." I say to Matt, and he laughs, kissing my forehead.

I pull away from him as his fingers brush over my necklace again before he grabs the key between his thumb and index finger. "I love this..." he whispers, staring at it as I stare at him. His eyes flick back up to meet mine and a smile takes over his features. "I love you. I can't believe after all this time, I finally have you."

"Madilyn!" my mom is suddenly calling me from downstairs and I groan. I just want to take a nap. Matt laughs at me and jumps onto my bed as I walk downstairs.

"What?" I ask her when I reach the bottom.

"How was school? Do you like it here?" She asks. Oh.

"School was school, and yeah I like it better than my old school." I answer her, watching as she smiles.

"Well, that's good. That's all I wanted to know. I'm making dinner right now, is Matt staying?"

My mom knows I'm dating Matthew and she doesn't care because she really likes Matt, she's actually happy I chose him but I know that she secretly thinks I should have chosen to be with Shawn. I keep those thoughts pushed away because I know if I think about that for long enough, I will end up doing something stupid.

"Uh, I don't know, I'll ask him. Is Cameron staying here again?"

"He's here almost every night, you should know that by now." She gives me a smile and walks back into the kitchen just as Hayes walks in the house with some dude I've seen before.

"Hey Hayes." I say to him as he takes off his shoes and falls to the floor.

"I. hate. school." He breathes out into the floor and I laugh.

"Same," I say, "Why are you home so late?"

"Me and Aaron just got home from football practice." he replies. That reminds me of something... Matt plays football too.

"Oh, hey Aaron." I smile at the boy, and now I know where I remember him from. He was with Taylor at Matt's party that one time and that's when I found out Taylor was calling me a slut to other people.

"Hey." he gives me a smile and I say bye to the two boys, walking back up the stairs. I walk into my room to see Matt almost asleep on my bed, so I jump on him.

"Matt, do you play football?" I ask.

"Yeah, I already told you that." he replies with a lazy smile. "Why?"

"I want to come to your games and shit."

"You don't like sports though..."

"Yeah but I like you." I grin, and he grins back, kissing me once again

I do like Matt; I love Matt. That's why I chose him.







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