22: a new start

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guys i need to say something and none of you will probably read it but I think it's really rude that some people are LITERALLY mad at me and stopped reading this on like the fourth chapter bc Madilyn didn't end up with who they wanted her to.

Like look at this story now, she's not dating any of them at the moment.

so anyway, thank you to the people that still read this, u da flyest. ❤️

also it's weird writing this story in the summer when it's actually taking place during school lol what

Madilyn's POV

I am meeting so many of my family members today. They were all at our house because apparently that's where our family had Thanksgiving dinner at every year. It had the most space for our family. To make things ever better, Will was here. No offense to Nash or Hayes, but Will was my favorite brother, even if he was never home.

At the moment I was outside with all of my cousins and we were all playing football with Will. He was really good at it. It's been an extremely great day so far, but I just wanted to eat already.





I was ready to start over. Well, not exactly start all over but pretend I didn't go through everything I did with Shawn, or Matt, or Taylor or even Cameron. I've been single for a while now and now I'm just going to focus on school.

I was getting ready for school at the moment and since there was snow on the ground I wore leggings and a sweater, along with the Uggs that kept my feet warm. My hair was actually looking good today because I curled it last night and it was still sitting in loose curls. My chocolate hair was getting longer and I was in desperate need for a trim.

"Madilyn, hurry up we're leaving!" I hear my brother's voice call from downstairs, and I roll my eyes. After I grab my floral print backpack, I exit my room and meet my brother's outside.

There was still ten minutes before school started so I stood inside with Mahogany at our lockers. We talked about who Ariel could possibly be sneaking around with these past few weeks. The bell rung after a while and we had to go to class together.

Surprisingly, the day goes by faster than I expected for a Monday and it was a pretty good day. When I get home I spend my time playing video games with Aaron and Hayes. To be honest I'm getting way better at this video game shit.

"You still suck, but you're way better than you were before," is what Aaron said to me that made me feel good about my game.

I checked my phone after a while of playing with them to see I had a text from Cameron.

Cameron Dallas: Hey, can I come over?

I reply with an 'of course' and set my phone back on the coffee table. "Guys, we're the only ones here and I was told that I had to make dinner... where should I order the pizza from?" I ask the two slightly younger boys and they look at each other before saying, "Papa John's," in unison.

I order the pizza, and right after I hang up Cameron walks into the house.

"Hey Cam!" I greet him with a smile as he falls back onto the couch. It's completely normal for Cameron to come over here even when Nash isn't home. He's basically my friend, and Hayes' too. He's cool with Aaron also. Aaron was Hayes' best friend so he was here quite often.

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