27: under the mistletoe

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Madilyn's POV

That same night that Shawn and I kissed for the first time in a long time, Mahogany was having her Christmas party. Her mother was allowing her to have more parties so she can get more experience with DJ-ing. I was going to the party with Shawn since we just discussed it, and we were about to drive to my house so I could get ready. We would go straight to the party after that.

When we got to my house, Shawn tries to come into my room with me but I tell him he's not aloud to come in while I get ready. He pouts and goes back down the stairs to hangout with Nash until I'm done.

I wore a pair of light skinny jeans and a red sweater that looked sort of like a Christmas sweater. I decided to wear Uggs and a beanie too with my hair straightened. It didn't take me that long to get ready and when I was done I joined Nash and Shawn back downstairs.

"Are you going to the party?" I ask Nash.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for Cam to get here." he replies and I nod. That makes sense.

"Well, Shawn and I are going to go over there now to help Mahogany set up and everything." I inform him and my mother. Shawn and I leave to go to Mahogany's house which isn't that far away from mine, and when we get there we are the first ones. It makes sense though because the party doesn't start for another hour and a half.

"Did you tell her we were coming early?" Shawn asks me and I shake my head no.

"She won't mind." I say as we walk up the steps on her porch. The door was open so we walked right in.

When we got in, however, a gasp escaped from both mine and Shawn's mouth. Jacob and Mahogany were sitting on the couch, kissing.

Both of their head's snap up and a screech comes from Mahogany when she sees us. "Oh, h-hey guys."

"Holy crap!" I yell. Jacob and Mahogany both have scared looks on their faces and Shawn is just standing next to me, shocked. "What happened to Haylee?!"

"You guys can't tell anybody about this." Jacob says quickly, standing to his feet and walking over to me and Shawn. "It just started today, like ten minutes ago. I was already planning on breaking up with Haylee, but she's just so hard to break up with because she's so clingy. I've always likes Mahogany, I--"

"You don't have to explain yourself, JOX has always been my favorite ship." I assure him and he sighs in relief. "But you could have at least waited until you and Haylee broke up, you horny little shits." I snicker as both of them blush. Shawn laughs from next to me.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Mahogany changes the subject while Shawn and I sit down. We tell her that we came to help finish everything for her party and so we do, and later when everyone starts to show up I notice how Mahogany set up pretty Christmas lights all around the house. She also put mistletoe in a lot if different places of the house that most kids were taking advantage of.

I stayed with Shawn most of the time, and when I was eating a Christmas cookie I noticed Taylor and Ariel a few yards away. They looked kind of awkward. They were just standing there looking around and not talking. I feel kind of bad, so I say to Shawn, "Do you want to go over and say hi to Ariel and Taylor?"

I point to where they are and he looks, then shrugs and says, "I guess so."

We walk over to where they are and when Ariel sees us she lets out a breath. "Thank God you're here," she whispers to me so only I can hear. "It was getting so awkward."

We stay and talk to them for a while until Mahogany walks up to us with a girl right beside her. "Hey guys, this is my cousin Jordan." she introduces the girl and she waves at us with a shy smile. She was really pretty with long brown hair and light hazel eyes. She wasn't that tall, about my height which was basically short. She kind of looked like a prettier version of me if I'm being honest.

"Hi." she smiles at us and we all greet her back.

"She's going to be going to our school when we get back from winter break." Mahogany tells us. "So anyway, I have to get back to playing songs and everything!" she leaves us with her cousin and that's when Haylee comes over to us with mascara stained under her eyes.

"Ariel... I need to talk to you right now." she croaks, obviously she had been crying. I take it as Jacob had just broken up with her like he said he was going to. Ariel sighs, setting her drink down and going with Haylee.

"So, where did you go to school before?" I ask Jordan since she kind of was just standing there. It was just me, Shawn, Taylor, and her now.

"I just moved here from Indiana." She replies.

"I used to live in Indiana." Taylor comments and she smiles at him.

Shawn leans down and whispers something into my ear. "My dad is calling me, I'll be right back."

I nod at him and he walks off to answer his phone. Taylor and Jordan talk for a while, and after some time she doesn't seem that shy anymore. Soon Mahogany comes back and steals Jordan away from us so now it's just Taylor and I.

"So what's going on with you and Ariel?" I ask him.

He just shrugs. "I don't really think we're gonna work out."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, it just doesn't really seem like we get on that well. We never have anything to talk about and I think she was just trying to get over Jake by being with me. Jordan seems cool though..."

I gasp, "You like Jordan! Don't you?"

He rolls his eyes. "I just met her like twenty minutes ago. You know I like you, right?"

"You should talk to Jordan more, I think you two could really hit it off." I try to tell him but he just shakes his head, knowing I ignored the whole 'I like you' subject. Taylor doesn't like me that much or else he wouldn't have been trying to date Ariel for the past couple of weeks. Even though I guess they're not going to work out.

"She does seem like a fun girl any everything." He says, looking past me at Jordan who is standing with Mahogany. I smile at Taylor and Shawn comes back up to us.

"Hey, Madilyn? Can I talk to you?" He asks me and I nod, saying bye to Taylor before leaving the room with Shawn. We go into the bathroom and Shawn closes the door, locking it also.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"These people called my parents... and there's this thing called Magcon. I... I guess I was invited to be apart of it or something. I would get to perform and everything--"

"Wait what?" I ask, my eyes going wide. "Shawn, that's amazing. What is Magcon?"

"It stands for Meet and Greet Convention. I was invited to be apart of it... They want me to come to Dallas next weekend for it." he explains. "And also, I just checked my vine. I reached five hundred thousand. Five hundred thousand, Madilyn! That's half a million people!"

"I told you Shawn, you're going to be big one day... Magcon is your chance to begin." I smile at him, grabbing his hand. He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug, and we just stand there for a long time hugging until we decide to go back to the party.

But as we're walking out, Shawn stops me at the end of the hallway and smirks, pointing up. I look up and see the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling and laugh. Shawn pulls me forward and kisses me, smiling against my lips.




hey guys :::::))))))

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