the actual ending ok

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Cameron Dallas' POV

I pushed the shopping cart down the aisle in the store, looking down at the list of groceries Madilyn told me to get. Ella's tiny feet kept kicking me from her spot in the front of the cart, and she kept giggling every time she kicked me.

"Hey, you're hurting daddy!" I laughed at her. Sometimes I have trouble scolding her because she's simply too cute.

She giggled and grabbed the candy bar I had in the cart and threw it on the ground. I groan, bending over to pick it up. The term 'terrible two's' is not a lie.

"Stop throwing shit." I tell her as I throw the candy bar in the back of the cart so she can't reach for it anymore. I continue pushing the cart until someone says my name and I stop.


I turn around and it takes me a minute to realize who is standing right behind me. "Aubrey?"

"Wow, hi." She laughs. She looks different from the last time I saw her. She must have died her hair because it has more color in it now. She looks good. "How long has it been, seven years?"

I nod my head. "Somewhere around there."

"Oh my God, you have a kid."

I chuckle, smiling at my daughter. "Yeah, this is my beautiful princess, Ella Marie Dallas."

She rolls her eyes. "You haven't changed. But it's sweet how good of a dad you are. Well, I'm assuming you are. Is it weird if I ask who her mother is?"

I shake my head, laughing and replying with, "No, it's Madilyn."

She looks kind of surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah." I smile.

"Are you guys married?"

I shake my head. The truth is, the night of Jacob and Mahogany's wedding Madilyn and I went back to the hotel and... well, that's how Ella happened. We weren't planning on it but I'm so thankful for Ella. I was waiting until she was born to propose to Madilyn, and I know it's been two years since she was born but I'm planning on proposing soon.

"Wow, I can't believe I ran into you," Aubrey laughs again, "I told you, maybe we'd run into each other one day..."

"Yeah, it's--" I close my mouth when the sound of my phone ringing comes from my back pocket and I take my phone out. Madilyn was calling me. I put my phone to my ear. "Hey babe, what's up?"

I notice Aubrey smiling at me before I look away.

"I forgot to tell you we need toilet paper!" She says.

"Okay, I'll get some."

"Thanks babe."

"See you later, love you."

"Love you too." she says and hangs up, so I put my phone back in my pocket.

"So what have you been--" I start to say while turning around but I realize that Aubrey is gone. I look at Ella. "Where did she go?"

"She said to tell you bye." she says in her voice that I can barely understand sometimes. I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion, but shrug it off and go to get the rest of the stuff on the list.

Taylor Caniff's POV

I entered my apartment and took off my shoes before falling onto the couch, groaning.

"Taylor?" My girlfriend's voice calls from the kitchen or wherever she is. I mumble into the couch as a response and I hear her laughing as she comes over to me. "Did you have a long day?"

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