25: mattlyn throwback

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It was that time of month, the time to remind me that I was not pregnant. I hated that time, it always reminded me of this one time back when I was dating Matthew...


I was at Matt's house by myself waiting for him to get home. He was at the store and he knew I was here since he asked me to come over. It was so quiet and his house was huge.

I went to go to the bathroom, almost freaking out when I realized I was starting my period. It wasn't supposed to start for another few days and I didn't have anything with me at the moment. I begin to panic and I realize I have to ask Matt to get me something at the store. My cheeks turn red as I text him.

To- bae: um I need you to get me something at the store

Matt: what?

Me: it's in a kind of dark blue box and they're white and it's like a girl thing...


Me: shut up I hate you so much OMG and they're tampons not tampins

Matt: I'll get them for you don't worry. But what if people look at me when I get them?

Me: just be like would you rather my girlfriend have blood all over her pants?!:!;!!


Me: come back when your vagina is leaking


Me: shit I just leaked hurry up!!!


I laughed to myself, finding it funny. I wanted to tease him more by saying more disgusting stuff but I decided not to and waiting for him to get home.

I sigh to myself and decide to do my homework. I miss him so much. After today, we have one more day of school until winter break.

I'm not sure how things were going with Cameron and I. Ever since Nash and Amanda broke up, Cameron and Nash have been close again. I feel like Cam just used me to stay at our house while Nash and him weren't that good of friends because he barely talks to me anymore.

A couple days ago, Cameron came over and he ignored me and went straight to Nash's room. It made me really mad actually.

"Did you figure out number six yet?" Matthew asked from next to me and I look back over at him, shaking my head. The truth was I wasn't even trying to figure the problem out, I was too busy remembering how we used to be.

It was so awkward hanging out with Matthew. We don't even talk.

"Are you even trying to do it?" he asks me somewhat rudely. I frown at the paper. "I didn't mean it in a rude way, but you should at least try to help me."

If you're wondering, Matt came home with Nash after school today. They were hanging out but then Cameron came over while I was doing my homework and said he really needed to talk to Nash, alone. So they asked Matt for some privacy or whatever and Matt just sat down next to me and took out his homework too. That's how we came to this.

"Why are Nash and Cam taking so long?" I ask nobody in particular. Sometimes I think those two are in love.

Matt shrugs and I turn back to the homework. I can feel him looking at me as I figure out the problem. I show him my answer and he smiles. "Good job."

"You know I'm not dumb, right?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I know." He smiles again. "You're really smart Madilyn, you just don't try."

"I do too." I scoff, crossing my arms. "Can we take a break though? I'm hungry."

"See what I mean!" he laughs. "You always make an excuse to get out of doing your homework. We can finish this really fast together if we just do it without getting distracted."

"Okay..." I say slowly, eyeing him suspiciously because he's smiling really wide. "Why are you smiling?" I laugh.


"Hey Matt, you can come back now." Nash's voice interrupts us and Matt looks at him then back to me. I try not to frown because I was enjoying his company now.

"Actually, we're going to finish this and then I'll be up." Matt says surprising me. Nash gives us a suspicious look but then nods, going back up the stairs.

We keep working and now that I'm actually trying to help it's really easy. After a while, when we're on the last question, Matt gets up to go to the bathroom. I finish the problem by myself and Matt's phone buzzes. I can't help myself as I glance at it, confused when it says he got a text from Alexa Dellanos. I grab his phone and surprisingly his password was still the same from when we were dating.

"What are you doing?" Matt's voice shocks me and I jump in my seat.

"Uh, I was about to call my phone because I don't know where it went." I say quickly. He looks at me carefully but just nods and I start calling my phone because I kind of have to now.

I hear the Marimba ringtone coming from my back pocket and I laugh nervously. "Oh, it was in my pocket the whole time!"

"You're weird." He says, taking his phone from me. I really want to know why Alexa texted him.

"I'll see you later Matt." I say to him before grabbing my stuff and running up the stairs. When I get up there I close my door and fall onto my bed. I check my phone to see I have a text from Shawn.

Shawn: hey

Madilyn: Hey Shawn

Shawn: can you come over and help me with a cover?

Madilyn: YEAH OMG you're finally going to upload one??

Shawn: yeah...

Madilyn: What song?

Shawn: you'll see when you get here...




HEY GUYS!!!!!! question:

what song do you think it will be? the first person to guess it will um get the next chapter dedicated to them and you can be in this fanfic (;

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