6: some shit about plants

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Madilyn's POV

I was chewing on my nails in Biology a few days later; our teacher was giving us our groups for our first project. We were working in groups of three, and I just knew I would be in Shawn's group because of his conversation with Mrs. D. I could feel his nervous and anxious stares towards me as our teacher called off the names.

"Group 3 will be Mahogany, Madilyn, and..." she glances from me to Shawn for a moment before adding, "and Shawn."

I can't help it but a sigh of relief comes out of me and I instantly redden in the cheeks. Mahogany squeals from next to me and I laugh. But then she realizes Shawn is in our group too, and she says, "Oh shit. This is going to be awkward."

Mahogany knows everything that's happened between Shawn and I. She knows everything that's happened with Cam, Matt, and Taylor also. She knows that Shawn does his best to stay away from me, and now this whole project is going to be awkwardly quiet, besides Mahogany and I talking to each other. I have no idea why Shawn would want to even work with me when all he does is avoid me.

The teacher lady tells us to sit with our groups and Shawn walks over and pulls a chair up to our table. For some reason, it seems like he's trying as hard as he can to hold in a smile.

I wish he would smile. I haven't seem him smile since the party when I was with him. My heart sinks as I look at him. What have I done?

"Hey Shawn." Mahogany smiles brightly at him to lighten the mood but he doesn't return it, he just mumbles a quiet 'hey,' to her and looks at the table. His eyes flick up to me and since I'm already looking at him, I quickly look away. Shit, I didn't realize I was staring at him. "Well I guess we should get started..."

"What are we doing again?" I ask. I wasn't really paying attention when she explained the project, but then again I never really do.

Mahogany groans, "You never pay attention."

"We're doing some shit about plants." Shawn speaks up quietly.

Some shit about plants.

Those were the first words he's spoken to me in the longest time. Those words changed my life; those words meant a lot to me. Some shit about plants.


"Matt..." I whispered to Matt's back. I sit right behind him in Algebra, so usually he helps me out. "Matt."

He turns around. "What?"

The class was supposed to be quiet right now, but that didn't stop everyone from whispering to people around them. Nobody was really doing their work.

"I need your help." I smile. Matt is really good at math, which I don't understand because he hates it with a strong passion. Myself on the other hand, sucks at it and I never know what I'm doing.

"Class is over in like two minutes, we can hangout after school and I'll help you, okay?" he gives me a smile and I smile back, nodding. He turns around and starts to pack up his stuff, staring at the clock until the bell rang.

When I finally got out of the gym that is hell, I met Matt by my locker, where he kissed my cheek and told me I still looked hot when I was sweaty.

"Matt you are seriously the weirdest boy I have ever met," I say to him. "But I love you for it."

"You don't have room to talk, babe." He smirks and I roll my eyes because he's right. Sometimes it scares me how alike we are. I close my locker and Matt takes my backpack for me, carrying it and slipping his hand through mine. "So I'm going to help you with your math, right?"


"Should we go to my house, yours, the library, somewhere to get food, or what?"

"Well lets's not go to the library because we can't talk there and with me and you nobody can make us stop talking. Um not my house because Nash and Cameron are annoying."

"I vote Subway."

"I was going to say the same thing." I say and we both laugh a little, walking out to his car. We go to Subway a lot and I have no idea why. When we get there and we finally have food, Matt starts to talk about the project in Biology.

"Who are you partners with?" I ask him.

With his mouth full, he replies, "Carter and this slut named Alexa."

I choke on my food, laughing. "It's not nice to call girls names like that, Matthew. But with her I'll let it slide because it's true."

"I swear she doesn't know about the existence of bras." he shudders-literally- and continues to eat. I just laugh and continue to eat also. "Who are you partners with?" He then asks me.

"Oh, Mahogany and Shawn." I say and watch his expression.

"Shawn? That's got to be awkward." He says and I just shrug. I guess it is kind of awkward, but Shawn is talking to me again. After a while, we actually decide to do homework. We get distracted easily, the two of us.

"I have a smart boyfriend." I smile to myself as Matt tries to teach me what we're doing at the moment in Algebra. He chuckles at me, shaking his head.

"Do you get it now?" he asks after I ask a lot of questions and he does a lot of explaining.

I nod. "Yes, I think so."

"Do this problem and we'll see how you do." He orders me and points to one of the problems in the book. He watches as I do the problem on my paper, and when I'm done he smiles. "You got it!" he puts his hand in the air and I high-five it.

"Thanks Matt." I put all of my stuff in my backpack and stand up as he does the same.

"Welcome." he says, leaning in and kissing me short but sweetly before pulling away. We walk back out to his car and my phone buzzes right when I get in. I take it out and look at the text, surprised by who it's from.

Shawn Mendes: do you and mahogany want to work on the project tomorrow after school at my house?

I send him back a 'yeah that sounds good' and before it's finished sending I realize that I'm smiling at my phone.


*sniff sniff* i smell shawnilyn.

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