10: a new best friend

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I forgot to tell you guys okay so idk if anyone remembers but in the first few chapters of The Decision it said Madilyn was from New York well I changed that to Omaha bc you know she was friends with jack and jack so yeah, if you remember her being from New York then congrats bæs you've been here a long time

Madilyn's POV

Hanging out with Amanda wasn't as bad as I thought; she was actually pretty nice... She didn't seem evil like Ariel explained her, in fact she didn't seem anything like that. The only concern I had was how suspicious she was... it was like she was hiding things.

Since it was Friday, Amanda and I went to the movies with Cameron and Nash. I sat between Amanda and Cameron, Nash on the other side of Amanda. I really hope this works out for him.


"What the hell?" I exclaimed after reading the text that Amanda sent Matt. He decided to show me and see if I knew what Amanda meant since I was hanging out with her yesterday when she sent him that text.

"I didn't reply because I thought it would be a picture of her tits or something." He shrugs and I let out a laugh. "I'm kind of curious to see what it is though."

"Just text her back and ask her what it is." I tell him and so he does, sending her a quick text back and setting his phone back on the coffee table in front of us. We've been sitting on his couch for almost an hour, pretty much doing nothing and talking the whole time.

"Did I tell you that I found Jake Foushee cheating on my friend Ariel with Amanda?" I ask him and his eyes go wide.

"Really? Jake wouldn't do that!" he exclaims, obviously sticking up for his friend because Jake is on his football team and they're really close at school.

"I have a video on my phone that says otherwise." I say, unlocking my phone and playing the video for him.

"Okay wow I didn't know he was like that," Matt shakes his head to himself, then says, "and you always have secret pictures of people... you're a creep Madilyn."

"No I'm not!" I defend myself, glaring at Matthew.

"How many pictures of me do you have of me that I don't know you took?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"A lot." I mumble under my breath and he heard me, so he laughs his cute little laugh he has.

"I love you." he laughs, kissing my cheek sloppily. I wipe off my cheek where he kissed it, and I smile at him. I lean forward to kiss him but his phone goes off. He quickly pecks my lips before grabbing it.

"It's Amanda, and it's a picture... should I open it? I'm scared. What if it's her nudes?!" His eyes are wide and he looks scared for his life.

"Just open it." I tell him and he nods, closing his eyes as he taps the screen to open the picture. I don't see what it is because his phone is away from where I can see, so I wait for him to show me what it is.

He opens his eyes to look and his expression drops, and the color drains from his face. Oh shit, maybe it was he nudes.

"What is it?" I ask, and he looks at me like my face transformed into some kind of monster. "What? What happened?"

"I thought you were past that..." he whispers, and I just look at him, completely bewildered because I have no idea what he's talking about. He throws his phone at me and stands up from the couch, casing me to get shoved off of him. I look at him, confused, and then look at his phone.

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