23: Anna

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Madilyn's POV

The week sort of flew on by, and it was Friday before I knew it. I was sitting at lunch with Ariel and Mahogany. I couldn't help but notice how Mahogany would glance at Jacob and Haylee every once and a while. I felt for her because I know how it feels for Haylee to be with someone you like.

"So what are you girls doing today?" Ariel asks us and I reply first.

"I'm supposed to be going with Cameron to his cousin's birthday party," I say. "It should be fun, I guess."

"Are you and Cameron like, a thing now?" Ariel wiggles her eyebrows at me and I know my cheeks turn red at the subject.

"No, trust me we're not." I laugh and cough at the same time. "What are you doing tonight Mahogany?" I put the attention on her instead of me purposely.

Ariel and I look at her and wait for her to reply but she's too busy staring at Jacob and Haylee to notice. She finally realizes we're staring at her and she says, "What?"

"You really like him that much don't you?" I smile sadly at her. I don't see why Jacob wouldn't be with her by now. No offense to Haylee, but Jacob and Mahogany make a better couple than them. Haylee never liked Jacob, well she didn't act like it. She didn't even really pay attention to his name. I can see the way Jacob looks at Mahogany and I don't understand why he would be in a relationship with someone else.

"I never realized how much I liked him until he was with someone else..." she frowns. That got depressing real fast. Ariel attempts to distract her by diving into a conversation about a sale at Victoria's Secret this weekend and I look around the lunch room, my eyes landing on the guys.

They're all sitting together again. I am so happy they're all friends again, it's like I never came here and ruined their friendship. It's like I never even happened. Sometimes I wish I didn't happen.

I wonder what would be happening right now if I never moved here. I bet I would be in a relationship with Jack Gilinsky. Or even Sammy... I haven't talked to them in a while, not since I texted Sammy a few weeks ago.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I was staring at the guys and Shawn was waving at me. I waved back with a smile as he smiled right back at me. I keep that smile on my face as the lunch bell rings and I stand up and leave the cafeteria.


It's so cold outside, and I absolutely hate the snow. Sure, it's pretty but I will only allow snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas, then it can go away until New Years and after that it can be gone until the next Christmas Eve. That is how I feel about snow and winter.

But it's also a good thing because Cameron's cousin's birthday party is ice skating. I've never been ice skating and I'm kind of scared because I know I'm going to fall on my ass a couple of times. Doing that in front of Cameron would be embarrassing. Sometimes Cameron makes me nervous and I don't know why, besides the fact he's gorgeous and popular and amazing and I'm just me.

He seems to like me though, so I don't know why I'm so worried. This isn't even a date. He just invited me to a birthday party, a kid's birthday party at that. And he only invited me because Nash couldn't go...

"Where are you going?" Nash asks me from my doorway. I wonder how long he's been standing there.

"With Cameron to his cousin's birthday party." I reply blankly, grabbing my beanie off of my chair.

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