15: get the gang back together

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Madilyn's POV

"Have you ever been to a college party?" Jack G asks me on the way home from Taco Bell. It was only around 7 and my stomach was full with tacos.

"Dude I never even leave the house." I answer with a laugh. Jack J is driving now and Sammy is in front with him, so it's me and Gilinsky in the back together.

"Yeah, that was a dumb question." he laughs and pats the space between his legs. He's sitting sideways in the car so his back is against the window. I unbuckle and move to sit between his legs and lay my head against his chest. I wish it could be like this all the time. He starts to play with my hair and we just sit there and wait to get home.

Sammy turns around to talk to us and when he sees the position we're in, his expression changes. "We're almost there." he mutters and turns back around in his seat, not looking back at us. Well that was weird.

"You should come to a party with us this weekend." Jack says after a while. He was obviously thinking about it while we were sitting there and finally said something.


"If your mom let's you, we could all drive back to Nebraska tomorrow. The party is on Saturday. You could tell her you wanted to go home for a while. I think she would understand, considering you wanted to go back anyway." he explains. He does have a point, but a college party? I don't think so.


"Yeah, I know. That was a stupid question also," he laughs but it sounds annoyed. "I keep forgetting you're younger than me. It would be easier if you were in college too, but you're in high school and I guess this stuff is too scary for you. Sorry."

I pull my eyebrows together. For some reason that made me seem really annoyed. I'm not a little kid. "Actually... I would love to visit home..."

"So you'll go?" He asks from behind me and I can almost hear the grin in his voice.

"If my mom says I can, then yes." I say and cover up my hesitation.

"Are you sure Madilyn?" Jack Johnson asks from the driver's seat as we pull into my driveway. He's looking at me a bit worried and I can tell he knows I'm hesitant to do this. I don't want to do this, but at the same time I feel like I need to prove a point. I'm going to be seventeen soon and I think I can handle a college party. Maybe... I don't know.


I made the three boys help me with my homework, and even though it took about two hours to get it done I finished all of it. By that time it was around 9 and they had to leave soon because I had school the next day.

"Where are you guys staying while you're here?" I ask them while they get ready to leave.

"Jack's aunt's house." Jack G replies and I nod. I decide to walk them downstairs to my front door and my mom was folding laundry down there when we walked in.

"You boys leaving now?" she asks. They nod. She smiles at them and nods, saying goodbye. As the four of us step outside I hug each of them, saving Jack G for last. Sammy and JJ head out to the car but Jack stays for a couple seconds. The two of us sand there in each other's arms and now that he's leaving I realize how much I want him here with me, even if I'm seeing him tomorrow.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asks in a hushed voice , looking down at me with a concerned expression.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I reply.

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