40: the ending

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here you guys go! This was longer than I intended lmao


****Madilyn's POV****

The wedding ceremony was long and boring in my opinion, but it was quite beautifully set up. I couldn't stop staring at my boyfriend a few feet away from me. The two of us were trying to take the wedding seriously but with him making weird faces at me, I was trying to not make the weird noises while holding in my giggles.

Mahogany was a gorgeous bride. Her dress was absolutely perfect, it had a sort of silver flower thing going on her torso. Standing behind her as her maid of honor I was kind of emotional.

I didn't get to walk down the aisle with my boyfriend because I had to walk with Jacob's best man. Therefore I was forced to walk with the Matthew Espinosa himself. I haven't seen him in three years since high school because he went to college in Virginia.

Now here I am, watching my best friend get married to the person she loved. Ariel and Haylee were standing behind me as the bridesmaids along with her cousin Jordan.

When Jacob and Mahogany were sliding the rings on each other's fingers, I smiled at the sight and looked at my boyfriend.

"That's gonna be us one day." he mouthed to me and my heart fluttered.

I really do love him a lot. We've had our ups and downs these past couple of years. We are both still in college but we're not far away from each other. It was July right now and we were all attending the lovely JOX wedding.

So much has happened since I was in high school. Believe it or not, Shawn and I broke up because he was gone too much and I was in college. He's super famous now, pretty much taking over the world and I couldn't be more proud of him. But the distance became too much for the both of us.

It took me a while to get over our break up, but now I'm happy again and I'm with someone who makes me the happiest girl in the world.

Later, at the wedding reception it was a slow song, and my boyfriend grabbed my hand and pulled me out to dance with him.

"Can you believe two of our best friends got married today?" He asks me while shaking his head, chuckling.

"I wonder who's going to get engaged next." I say.


I look up and my dark brown eyes meet with his and I smile. He looks so handsome in his suit. "I can't wait to go back to the hotel after this."

I blush, hiding my face in his chest. "It's hot in here."

"You wanna go outside?" he asks me and I nod. The two of us hold hands as we leave the building, absorbing the fresh air.

We begin to walk down the sidewalk together. It was dark out and the moon was big and bright. He swung our hands back and forth as we walked together, and I looked at the pond and all the flowers along the building. It was really pretty out here.

I slip my shoes off and walk barefoot, holding my heals with my other hand that's not in his.

We stop walking and he kisses me. So we just stand there for a while, kissing until he pulls away and smiles at me. "I love you Madilyn."

"Love you too Cam."




Wow. it's over. oh my gosh

you guys are so amazing and The Decision just reached 800K reads!! that's amazing holy shiehowkdnw

so yeah, after all this time of you reading about Madilyn being a slut and not making up her mind, it all ends with Mr. Cameron Dallas

If you want to you can read the new story I'll be working on now that this one is over! It's called 32 Memories (Cameron Dallas) I really hope you guys will check that out!

Thank you guys so much, ilysm ❤️

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