18: talk to me

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Shawn's POV

It was the next day and I was at home by myself. Well, not all by myself, I was just in my room by myself. The other members of my family were still here. A couple days ago, my mom took me out and helped me buy a new guitar. I payed for half and she payed for half.

I think she only did it because she knew how much my old one meant to me, even if nobody ever saw me playing it. That was only because I played it in my room and in there only, when I was alone. Madilyn was the only one who saw me play it.

I was sitting on the floor with my back pressed up against my bed, humming quietly and lightly strumming my guitar. I miss Madilyn. I miss talking to her and seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, and most of all I miss kissing her. I just wanted to talk to her.

So I found myself picking up my phone and letting my thumb hover over her contact before I actually called her. I listened to it ring a couple of times only to get her voicemail. I don't leave a message, instead I calmly set my phone back down next to me on the floor.

I close my eyes and sit there for a moment, jumping when my phone starts ringing next to me. I grabbed the device quickly and without even looking I answered, hoping it was Madilyn.


"Shawn?" It was Madilyn. If it wasn't Madilyn I probably would have hung up on the person.

"I miss you." I blurt out. I chew on my nails nervously as I wait for her to speak. I never used to bite my nails until I met Madilyn.

"I want to come home," she finally says. Her voice sounds quiet, like she's trying not to let anyone hear her. "I miss you too."

"What's the matter?"

"I did something really stupid, Shawn." she whispers. I close my eyes and only think of the worst.

"What did you do?"

She doesn't answer, but I know she didn't hang up because I can still hear her breathing on the other end and even her quiet sniffles. So I sit there with her in the silence I know she needs.

"I'm coming home tomorrow," she finally says, avoiding my question. "I'll tell you when I get home."

"How are you getting home?" I ask her.

"Jack's mom bought me a plane ticket." she replies.

"That's nice of her." I say, mostly because I didn't know what else to say.

"Yeah, she always used to give me stuff when we were little now that I think about it... they're really rich."

"Madilyn I bought a new guitar." I tell her.

I can't see her, but I have a feeling she's smiling on the other end. I can almost hear it in her voice. "You did?"

"Yeah," I smile just because I know she's smiling too, "I love singing, Madilyn."

"I know you do." she says softly. "You're really good at it. I think you're even better than some famous people."

"Like who?"

"I think you're better than Justin Bieber!"

"No you don't!" I can't help but laugh my loud laugh. "You love him, you would never say that!" I laugh more when I hear her laughing on the other end.

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