12: Matthew the dickhead

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Madilyn's POV

"I fucked up dude." I told Taylor. We've been sitting in his car for about forty five minutes now just talking. It was dark out and I should probably go home but Taylor was helping me a lot.

"No, you didn't." he said, holding my hand with both of his.

"Yes I did. Moving here was a huge mistake." I shook my head back and forth and squeezed my lips together. I just stared at our hands as my mind raced with thoughts of everything I could have done differently. For a while, the two of us sat in silence. He studied my face as I thought about a lot of things, and finally I said something again. "I'm sorry for everything, Taylor."

"Hey, that isn't even important anymore," he tells me in a quiet, tired voice. "I don't care about everything that's happened between us. I care about now, and I care about being here for you." He moves closer me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I fall against his chest and squeeze my eyes closed. It's cold. "It's getting late."

So Taylor drives me home, and he even walks be up to my door. Before I go inside, I hug him tightly. We stay like that for a long time and I just breathe in his scent, comforted by the way he was holding me. Sometimes I just need a hug from Taylor because Taylor hugs are warm and comforting and amazing and he's the sweetest ever.

When I get inside, I tiredly walk up to my room and take my shoes off. I fall into my bed and unlock my phone, going to my texts. I have one from Matthew.

Matthew: please call me.

I remembered his words from earlier:

"Please call me later, Madilyn." He whispers before exiting the place.

I decided to call him. He answered quicker than I expected. "Madilyn."

"Hey," I said.

"I ruined everything," he whispered slowly, "Didn't I?"

"I don't know, Matthew..." I sighed, glancing at the time. It's almost midnight. Tomorrow is Monday. Great. "I'm too tired to do this right now. I'm going to bed."

"Okay, just do me a favor," he says.


"Don't go to bed sad. Goodnight, beautiful. I love you."


Like I suspected, I felt and looked like crap. To go with my mood, I wore sweatpants to school. I also wore Matthew's sweatshirt. I don't know why but it comforted me, even though our relationship was not okay right now. I don't even know if we have a relationship right now. My hair was in a messy bun today and when Ariel picked me up for school, her mood was the same.

"How's it going with you and Matt?" she asked me when I got in her car. She looked so tired and sad.

"What about you and Jake?" I ask her. The both of us are having relationship issues and it sucks.

"You know what?" Haylee speaks up from the back seat. We both look at her with a blank look. "We need to hangout after school. We're going to the mall. All three of us. Mahogany should come too."

"No," I whine. "I just want to go home and take a nap after school today."

"Well too bad!"

Ariel sighs, looking at me. She then shrugs. "We do need to get our minds off of boys, you know."

I just nod in agreement. I'm too tired to argue with either of them.

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