8: say something

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Madilyn's POV

We've been at Shawn's for almost an hour now, and we were making a lot of progress on our project.

"Jacob is coming to pick me up right now, is that okay?" Mahogany asks and I wiggle my eyes at her. She flushes a deep shade of red and glared at me.

"Yeah, we actually might be able to finish the poster part of our project tonight." Shawn tells her, gesturing towards me when he says 'we.' After that all we have to do is the essay.

Mahogany's phone goes off and she looks down at it before saying, "He's here. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Madilyn, text me because I have something important to tell you about JOX." she says before leaving. If you were wondering, 'JOX' is the code name we use for when something happens with her and Jacob. It's also their ship name if you know what I mean.

No that she was actually gone I realized that there was a tension between me and Shawn. Why wouldn't there be? "Should we finish it without her or wait until tomorrow?" I ask him.

"The two of us could probably finish it in about ten minutes." he says, looking back up to me. I look away from him and study how far we've gotten with our poster and since it's almost done, we could actually finish. So we decide to finish it, and while I'm drawing extra stuff on the poster Shawn decides to speak up. "Is Matthew mad that you're with me?"

"Who knows, he gets mad at me a lot." I shrug. It's sad that the fact that he's mad at me again doesn't affect me because I'm used to it now. Shawn drops the subject and opens his laptop after we finish the poster. It looks really good, might I add.

"Should we start the essay?" he asks.

I check the time on my phone and see that it's almost five. "We should work on that another time, I have to go home soon..."

"Okay," he says. "Do you need a ride?"

"I'll ask Matt to pick me up." I say only because I need to talk to him. I open my iMessage and go to text him.

Madilyn: Can you pick me up from Shawn's house please

He reads it right after I text it and he doesn't reply after ten minutes. I guess he really is mad at me. I send him another text.

Madilyn: fine i guess shawn is driving me home. :)

That makes him text back.

Matt: I'm on my way

"Matt's coming to get me." I tell Shawn. He just nods and doesn't say anything. I want to ask him how his guitar got broken again but I don't think I should. So we just sit there for a while, not really saying anything as he does something on his lap top and me going through my phone.

"This is awkward." Shawn says, finally breaking the silence.

I let out a quiet laugh. "Yeah..."

He shows a small smile. I haven't seen him smile in forever, and I was starting to forget what it was like when he smiled. But now I remember. "If you really want to know what happened with my guitar, I broke it. But it was an accident... kind of."

"What happened?"

He shrugs. "I think Matt's here."

I sigh, standing up and grabbing my backpack. I glance out the window and see that Matt wasn't even here yet, so I look back at Shawn. "He's not here dude." I sit down again, but this time right next to him. "Are you okay?"

He shakes his head; at least he's being honest with me. "I deleted all of my videos and broke my guitar... I'm giving up on my dreams."

"Shawn! Why would you do that?!" I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it. I don't get it at all, Shawn is one of the most talented people I know. It made me feel kind of special how I was the only one he told about his dream of becoming a singer. When he doesn't say anything I take my phone out again and text Matt.

Madilyn: Have you left yet?

Matt: nope.

Madilyn: well i'm going home with mahogany now so you don't have to come

Matt: k

Of course he would K me. I stand up and hold both of my hands out to Shawn. "Come on."

He looks at me in confusion, "What?"

"Just come on." I say and this time he doesn't question me. He lets me grab his hands and pull him off the couch. "Get your camera." I tell him and just nods, disappearing up the stairs and coming back down with his camera. I pull him over towards the piano in their living room, which is Aaliyah's piano, and we both sit on the stool.

"I don't know how to play the piano very well, you know." he says.

I smile, "I know."

"What are you trying to do?" he asks me as I set up his camera on top of the piano. He has a smile on his face which makes me happy. It takes me a while to figure out how to work the thing but I finally get it to work, and I start recording him. I take my spot back on the stool next to him.

Without another word I start to play the intro of "Say Something" by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera on the piano and his shocked look makes me smile to myself. Yeah bitches I play the piano and nobody knew.

"Sing." I say to him and he takes a deep breath. When he starts singing next to me I can't help but let my smile grow.

"Say something I'm giving up on you,"

I let my smile go away and try to keep a serious look now, but I can feel Shawn's eyes on me while he was singing.

"I'll be the one if you want me to,"

He doesn't look away. It was like he was actually singing this to me, and it meant something. He would not look away from me and I tried so hard to focus on the piano. It was like that for a while, until the song was almost over.

"You're the one that I love... and I'm saying goodbye,"

My heart sunk. It made so much sense...

"Say something I'm giving up on you, and I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you,"

"And anywhere I would've followed you,"

He stops singing for a few seconds as I play, and finally he sings the last few words.

"Say something I'm giving up on you..."

I pull my fingers away from the keys and look at him. He was crying.


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