21: babe

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I just wanted to remind you guys to smile because you're beautiful just the way you are and you're not worthless, whatever you're going through you can get through it I promise. -Cameron Dallas (:

Madilyn's POV

A month has passed and it's now November, almost Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving break was after today and I was excited to get out of school for the rest of the week. It was Tuesday, and we had Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off for break and then of course I had Saturday and Sunday.

I was in Algebra right now, staring at the back of Matt's head like usual. I love when he doesn't do anything to his hair and just leaves it down. I think it looks cute.

I haven't talked to him in so long and it's literally tearing me apart on the inside. It's the fact that he was my best friend and we could do anything together or talk about anything. I miss him so much.

Of course, our teacher was about to give us homework over break. But at least she was giving us the rest of the class period to work on it, so I could be able to get it done. That is if I actually understand it, which I sort of do this time.

She allows us to work with one other person and I don't feel like working with anybody except Matt so I work alone. I look up to see Matt turning around in his desk and he slams his stuff onto my desk. "I always have the urge to help you, so here I am."


"Let's pretend nothing ever happened right now and focus on equations, alright?" He says and I nod. I can't focus on equations with Matt right in front of me, talking to me for the first time in forever. So I pretend to understand what he's talking about and wait for him to figure out the answer until I write it down.

We get done with ten minutes left of class and I smile. I never get my work done before class ends unless I'm working with Matthew. Usually I help him but today I just couldn't focus on the math.

"I miss you so much." he mumbles and turns around with his stuff, not allowing me to look at him.

"I miss you too." More than you will ever know.

He doesn't turn around again, and I don't expect him to. He sits with his head on the table and I just wait for the bell to ring. When it does, I stand up and walk out of the room before Matt does. I feel like crying right now, just because I miss Matt so much and he can stand to look at me.

I get to my locker and see Mahogany standing there talking to Ariel. Haylee doesn't really hangout with us anymore. She doesn't even sit with us at lunch, she sits with Jacob. Mahogany has been extremely upset ever since Jacob called her and told her that he really liked Haylee, and him and Mahogany were 'just friends.'

"Hey, guys." I sigh and start opening my locker. They look at me.

"What's wrong now?" Ariel asks. She's happier than she was before, I think she's actually getting over the Jake thing finally. But I think there's a boy that's been getting her through it... I just don't know who.

"Nothing, just feeling depressed."

Mahogany chuckles and closes her locker. "We're going to the mall. Do you want to come?"

"To be honest I just want to go home and sleep." I tell them truthfully and they nod in understanding. After saying goodbye to them, I sling my backpack over my shoulders and find my way to Nash's locker. He takes Hayes and I home everyday now.

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