39: hi

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Madilyn's POV

It's Monday of the last week of school. It's so weird to think I moved to North Carolina almost a whole year ago. It's almost been a year since I stepped foot into my new home to meet my family and a few other people who became a huge part of my life...

"Wow babe," Shawn says from behind me suddenly, and I turn away from my locker to smile at him.


"You're wearing my merch, and you look so cute in it." He laughs, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I look down at the baseball tee with his name on it and smile again. Shawn came out with some merch recently and he gave me one of his shirts, so I decided to wear it to school. Shawn waits for me to get my stuff and we walk to biology together.

It's gonna be a long week since it's so close to the last day. All I know is that I'm ready for the summer to come. Last summer was pretty crazy, who knows what this one will be like?


Cameron's POV

"You're moving to LA?" I ask, wide-eyed while staring at Aubrey in disbelief.

"Yes, Gabby and I go there every summer together and it's like our second home, so we decided to move in together and start a new life in LA with just the two of us." she says blankly, continuing to pack her stuff into boxes like it's no big deal.

"Who is Gabby?" I ask.

"She's my best friend."

"So you guys already found an apartment and everything? You already knew you were leaving?"


"And you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't know I needed to."

"So what? Now we can't be together."

She stops packing and looks at me, scrunching up her eyebrows. "What?" she crosses her arms and shifts on her feet. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on," I say to her, "you're kidding right? You didn't like me at least one bit?"

"Don't flatter yourself." she rolls her eyes. She thinks she's being tough, I can tell, but I can also see right through her. Aubrey is a year older than me and she's definitely way smarter than me, but I can still tell what she's trying to do. She doesn't want to admit that she has feelings for me.

Maybe she isn't the nicest, but I surely like her for a reason. I don't crush on girls that are just like every other girl on the earth; I find one that stands out more. She wasn't that nice to me but she was sweet to mostly everyone. She just doesn't want me to like her so she tries her hardest to get me to think differently of her by being rude to me. She knew I liked Madilyn a lot in the past so she acted like she hated her. I knew she didn't though. She just pretended because she thought since I cared so much about Madilyn, I would be on her side instead of Aubrey's.

"When are you leaving?" I change the subject. I know I'm not going to win this battle; there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop her from leaving.

"In two days." she replies.

I sigh. "I never got to kiss you..."

She steps toward me and makes me look at her. "You still have two days to make that happen," she says in the sweetest voice she's ever used with me. "Listen, Cameron. I liked hanging out with you and everything. You're one of the nicest guys I've ever met. But let's face it, this is the real world. You're graduating high school in just a few days and you're going to do whatever you want with your life. If we ever see each other again, you can say, 'oh hey look, it's my friend Aubrey from a while back' and you can come say hi to me. If that ever happens and you happen to still me interested, maybe we can go on a date. But maybe that won't happen because it wasn't meant to happen."

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