36: the fountain

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Madilyn's POV

I woke up the next morning in one of the two hotel beds by myself. They expected Shawn and I to sleep in separate beds for some odd reason, but we slept in the same bed. I was confused when I didn't find myself tangled in Shawn's arms with his soft breathing next to me, but when I heard the sound of the running water in the bathroom I realized he was in the shower.

I threw the heavy white blanket off of my body and stretched. I stood up in only Shawn's black t-shirt covering myself and decided to change into sweatpants but keep his shirt on. I threw my hair into a bun and put my glasses on because I couldn't see anything but blurry shapes.

The water suddenly turned off and I heard the shower curtain sliding open. Shawn came out a minute later with just a towel hanging low around his waist and his hair dripping wet.

He smiles when he sees I'm awake and walks over to me, kissing my cheek. "Good morning babe."

"Good morning Shawn." I smile, trying not to talk in his face because morning breath. I let him get dressed while I go into the bathroom, getting in the shower. I brushed my teeth in the shower and scrubbed my body, washing my hair too. While the hot water hit my back, I thought about last night and found myself blushing.

I knew I wanted one day to be intimate in that way with Shawn, but I didn't expect that day to come so soon. Now that it's happened, I feel like it was a good thing because all the tension is suddenly gone and I know I love him and only him.

Taylor's POV

I was going to ask Jordan tonight if she wanted to be my girlfriend. I wasn't worried or nervous because Mahogany always reminded me that Jordan liked me as much as I liked her.

She was at my house right now and we were in my living room, sitting on my couch together watching The Last Song. What a stupid movie... Okay, I didn't think it was a stupid movie. I just hated it because it made me want to cry and I didn't want to cry in front of Jordan.

When I looked over at her she had a few tears in her eyes and her sleeve covered hand was covering her mouth. "I hate this part." She croaks, and just looking at her crying made me feel like I could cry too and I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes.

It kind of sucked that Miley and Liam aren't together in real life anymore because they looked so happy and in love in this movie. It also sucked because Miley's hair was so pretty and it kind of looked like Madilyn's...

I wipe Madilyn off my mind and think about Miley's hair now. Short and blonde. Nothing like Madilyn. Just like Jordan was not Madilyn. Jordan isn't Madilyn and that's why I like her. She won't break my heart.

"Aw Tay, you're crying!" Jordan cries and throws her arms around me as we watch the sad part of the movie.

"These tears are very manly." I say, deepening my voice to sound tougher than I look but all I get from her is a giggle. She looks up at me and soon we're not watching the movie anymore and my lips are moving against hers.

I realize if we dated, our relationship would mainly be making out on the couch and her making fun of me in a playful way, but I was okay with that.

Because I loved making out with her and I loved to tease her too.

Matthew's POV

"You should dye your hair blue." Becca comments while we walked around the mall together, our hands locked together.

"Why?" I chuckle.

"You would look hot with blue hair."

"You look hot with your blue tips." I say, touching a strand of her blue colored hair at the bottom and she smiles.

"See, we could have matching hair! Kind of..."

"Maybe during the summer I will consider putting blue in my hair." I laugh and we enter the food court.

It was Becca's first time at this mall since she just moved here. It reminded me of being with Madilyn when it was her first time at the mall after she just moved here also. Things always connect to Madilyn in my mind and it's so annoying. I just want to text her and tell her that I hate her for making me think about her all the damn time.

She's so frustrating and I've always loved her so much. Going into a relationship with Becca helped, but at the same time it didn't. I felt so much weight on my chest all the time and I wanted it all to go away, but I had no idea how to lift the weight off my chest.

"Wow, that fountain is so pretty." Becca comments while staring at the fountain in the middle of the food court. The one that Madilyn loved so much.

"Yeah, it is." I frown and when she looks toward me I quickly smile to cover it. "Do you want to make a wish?"

"I don't have a--"

"Here." I pull a penny from my pocket and hand it to her. I always bring pennies to the mall because of the specific fountain I'm standing before now.

I always wonder what Madilyn wished for that time we were at the mall for the first time together. When I gave her that coin and told her to make a wish and I just watched her as he eyes closed and she tossed the coin into the water. I just want to know what she wished for.

Becca gives me a smile and takes the coin from me, not closing her eyes like Madilyn did when she made a wish.

I feel like a douche when I do it, but I choke out the exact same words I said to Madilyn last time, "Make a wish, beautiful."


I know that chapter was short but I'm going to update again so yeah!

if you guys are meeting shawn on tour with austin mahone and stuff message me on here or on kik!!! (my kik is nashxcam) IT'S IMPORTANT.

alright so question of the chapter: what's your favorite song/songs? 😊

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