9: secrets

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Madilyn's POV

I don't know what to do. I'm horrible at comforting people, that's why I hate when people cry in front of me. "Shawn... um, why are you crying?"

He doesn't reply, instead he leans forward and kisses me. Oh shit, not this again... my hands go up to push him away put he grabs them in his, putting them over his heart. It was beating rapidly and he pulled his lips away from mine. "That's what you do to me..." he whispered.

"You shouldn't have kissed me." I tell him. His lips droop to a frown and he lets his hands drop.

"I know..."

Why he shouldn't have kissed me was not because I was dating Matthew, but because it made me second guess the whole decision I've made for picking Matthew in the first place.


The next day was Friday, and I was happy that we reached the end of the week. Today I was supposed to hang out with Amanda, and I don't know how that's going to go. When I saw Matt at school he looked away from me and I just rolled my eyes, walking up to him.

I wrapped my arms around him from behind as he stood in front of his locker. "Why are you mad at meeeee?"

I hear him sigh, and he closes his locker and turns around, hugging me back. "I'm not."

"Well you were," I say. "You said 'k' to me and you were being pretty rude."

"I know, and I'm sorry..." he kissed my forehead, "I was in a bad mood yesterday. Will you come over tonight?"

"Uh I was supposed to hang out with Amanda."

"Amanda Mackenzie?"


"Why? That's Alexa's best friend!" A look of disgust crosses over his face when he says Alexa's name.

My eyes widen, "She is? How come I didn't know that! And to be honest, Nash has a huge crush on her and he asked me to hangout with her."

"Of course, Nash would do that." He rolls his eyes and the bell rings, so I pull away from him. "I'll talk to you later. Bye beautiful." he quickly kisses my cheek and we go separate ways down the hall. I see Taylor walking by himself so I speed walk up to his side. I don't like walking alone in the hallway, and we have the next class together anyway, which is stupid Art. I am not good at Art and the teacher hates me because I talk to Taylor too much. It's not my fault she put us at the same table.

"Hey Taylor." I say when I finally catch up to him. He looks over at me and a smile appears on his face.

"Hey," he replies. We walk into the classroom together and sit at our table with Jacob and Mahogany. I really like where I sit in Art, besides the fact that Taylor and Jacob don't like each other that much. Taylor and I are really good friends and I'm used to him flirting with me now. Taylor always jokes around about how I'm 'his girlfriend' but he would never do anything to make me cheat on Matt. I usually just laugh at him and roll my eyes because we both know he's joking.


Finally the day was over and I was going back into the girls locker room to meet Amanda where we were supposed to. We were driving home with Cameron and Nash. I wonder how that's going to go, I'm guessing a bunch of Cameron and Mandy flirting while Nash gets mad and I just sit there. Accurate.

When I walked into the locker room, I saw Jake, Ariel's boyfriend, walking behind a set of lockers. What even? The only reason he could possibly be in here is for Ariel, but from what I know she already left.

I followed him and he walked up to Amanda, so I hid behind the lockers and spied on them.

"What are you doing? Madilyn is going to be here any second."

"Nope, I just saw her talking to Matt and they looked pretty occupied." he grinned at her.

"Oh, okay." she smiles and wraps her arms around his neck. My eyes widen when he sets his hands on her hips and leans forward, kissing her. What. Holy shit. I take my phone out, doing the first thing that popped in my head and I recorded about five seconds of it. Should I confront them? I already got it on video so I can just show Ariel... but I don't want to be the one to hurt her. But if she found out that I knew and didn't tell her things would be bad.

I walked quietly back to the door and opened it, slamming it loudly so they would hear that I was coming in. I started back to where they were, and Jake was walking towards me with a nervous look. "Hey Madilyn." he tries to say in a casual tone.

"I don't like you." I smile and keep walking, ignoring his puzzled look as I walk up to Amanda, who is fixing her lip gloss in her tiny mirror. "Hey, Nash and Cameron are waiting for us."

Like I suspected, Cam and Amanda flirted a lot on the way home. When we got there, I took Amanda up to my room and it was kind of awkward.

"So you're dating Matthew Espinosa, right?" she asks me and I nod.

"Yeah," I smile. "Are you dating anyone?"

"Nah." she shrugs, rubbing her lips together.

I was going to ask her what she thought about Nash but my phone started to ring. I looked at it to see that Ariel was calling me and my heart ached for her; I sent her the video. I was afraid of her reaction and I felt terrible. "I'll be right back," I say to Amanda before getting up and leaving my room, closing the door behind me.


Madilyn left the room which I took as an invitation to wander around her room and look at stuff. I don't even know why I'm here, I just wanted to get a chance to get closer to Nash and Cameron. I'm pretty popular if you ask me, but Nash and Cameron are the two most liked guys at our school. Getting close to them is a great thing for me.

Madilyn's laptop made a noise on her desk, and it was open so I went over to it. She got an email and since I was curious, I opened it. I raised my eyebrows when I saw that it was a video link from Shawn Mendes. I know him, I've seen him around school a couple of times but he didn't seem so interesting to me.

I read his email to her:

Should I upload this to YouTube? I don't know because I was crying... and if I did I would edit out the end of it of course. But maybe I should make a new one. would you help me Madilyn? I don't think I can do it without you

Now, I was even more curious. What was at the end that he would have to edit out? And why was he crying? I guess I will just have to see for myself. I clicked on the video, and I was pretty shocked at what I saw. I didn't know he could sing. He's all right I guess. I still don't know why he was crying.

I fast forwarded it to the end and suddenly, Shawn leaned forward and kissed Madilyn. I paused the video and emailed it to myself, a smirk growing on my lips. I deleted the email to myself from Madilyn's history and got it to my phone. That was all I needed to see.

I opened my texts and sent out a new one to Matthew Espinosa.

To: Matthew

From: Amanda

I have something I think you should see ;)


sorry that wS short and boring but i'm tired and it's MONDAY and I hate school bye

I only have 13 days of school left and then I'll be updated EVERY DAY even though I pretty much already do that lol

please comment even though this chapter sucked really bad!

ily all x


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