24: your lips

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Madilyn's POV

By the time the party was over it was quite dark outside. Cameron's family was so fun and nice, I almost didn't want to leave. At the same time I did want to leave though because I was freezing. So when we left, Cameron and I sat in his car for a while just talking before he drove me home.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask him when we get there. It was weird asking him that because usually he didn't need to be asked. My mom gave him a key to our house a long time ago, he can basically come in whenever he wanted. Now it seemed different though. Him and Nash weren't exactly on best friend terms and he basically came over to hangout with me these past few weeks.

He smiles. "Yeah."

When we walk into my house, my family was watching a movie. Besides Nash, he isn't here. He's with Amanda. Aaron is here again also. I'm used to Aaron now, him and Hayes are like how Nash and Cameron are.

"How was ice skating?" Mom asks me when we walk in.

"Good." Cameron and I both reply at the same time. I let out a quiet laugh and grab Cam's hand.

"We're going upstairs." I mumble before starting to pull him up my staircase.

"You better keep the door open!" My mom shouts after me and I blush while Cameron throws his head back in laughter.

I close my door anyway and sit down on my bed next to Cameron. "Come here," he whispers and holds his arms out to me. I move towards him and he pulls me onto his lap. I take a moment to situate myself, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Cameron grabs my hands and starts playing with my fingers while I just look down at our hands. "I had fun with you today." he says after minutes of silence.

"I did too." I reply quietly.

"What's your favorite thing about me?" He asks me and I look from our hands to him. He's already looking at me, his lips parted. His lips.

"Your lips." I say.

"Why? You've only kissed them once." he smirks at me. My eyes focus on the way they curve upwards into that smirk and heat rises to my cheeks.

"Well we can change that." I say with a shy smile and he just grins, pulling me closer to him and kissing me. I can feel his smile against my lips and to be honest it feels kind of weird since he's smiling while I'm trying to kiss him, but his kiss was still wonderful and
his lips were still perfect.

The moment was amazing up until my door burst open. I gasped and jumped back, thinking it was my mom but it was only Nash. A crying Nash.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" He yells.

"Why are you crying?" I ask him, ignoring his question as Cameron just sits there silently.

"Amanda... she broke up with me." He chokes out, his voice wavering while he talks. As I get up to walk over to him, he keeps speaking. I put my arm around his shoulders, having to stand on my toes because he's so much taller than me. "She told me that she got what she wanted and that she didn't even like me that. Sh-she used
me... for popularity."

"Why are you crying over her then? She's a bitch, we all told you that Nash."

"You're not helping the situation..." Nash sniffles. He's right, I can never comfort anyone because I suck at it.

"I'll take care of this, Madilyn." Cameron says quietly, looking at Nash cautiously.

"You sure?" I ask.

Cameron nods and him and Nash leave my room. I'm glad they're going to get along or whatever but now I'm alone. I check my phone since I haven't really been on it all night and see that I have zero text messages. Oh.

I go downstairs and sit down in the only empty spot next to Aaron. "Sup." I say.

"Ignore her." I hear Hayes say to Aaron, and in return I kick him since he's laying on the floor in front of me. Aaron laughs while Hayes groans in pain and I just grab the bucket of popcorn from Skylynn and watch whatever they're watching with them.

Shawn's POV

"We're like complete opposites, you know that?" I say to Taylor while we dribble the basketball around in his backyard. Taylor asked me to come over today so I did, and now it's dark outside and we're out playing basketball.

"Yeah, you're all innocent and cute and I'm all like, you know, loud." he says and I just laugh.

"That is actually very true." I say as he tries to pull off some NBA shit. I just stand back and watch him because we all know that Taylor isn't going to give the ball to me anytime soon.

"Actually," he says, dribbling the ball between his legs trying to act cool or something, "I don't think you're as innocent as you seem."

"What are you talking about?" I laugh.

He smirks at me. That's not good. He just keeps smirking until he says, "Well... I've seen your tumblr."

My mouth falls open. "Taylor! How did you find my tumblr?!"

He almost falls over laughing. "There were girls asses all over! I see you reblogging in the middle of the night!"

I can't help the heat in my cheeks and I cover my face with my hands. "I hate you."

"I'm gonna tell Madilyn what I found on your tumblr." He keeps laughing and I only freak out more.

"No, no, no! You can't do that."

"I'm calling her right now!" he cackles and suddenly his phone is on speaker and I hear the ringing. I jump towards him and tackle him to the grass.

"Taylor, stop!" I yell, trying to grab his phone but he's stronger than me. That's when Madilyn answers.

"Taylor?" her voice sounds from the other side and I start panicking.

"Hey, Madilyn! Guess what? You have a tumblr right?" He asks over me attacking him.

"Taylor!" I yell.

"Is that Shawn?" she laughs. "It's like one in the morning, what are you guys doing?"

I grab Taylor's crotch and he screams, dropping his phone and I hurry to grab it. Desperate times call for desperate measures, or whatever that saying is. "We have to go Madilyn, bye!" I hang up right before Taylor attacks me from behind.

"You grabbed my sack." He says and starts to wrestle me in the grass.

"Truce!" I scream. He laughs and collapses on the ground next to me. I try to catch my breathe while he keeps laughing next to me and in the end I end up elbowing him in the ribs.

"I missed you." He lets out between laughs.

I laugh too. "I missed you too."





do you guys want more drama in this story? *smirk emoji*


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