2: Amanda Mackenzie

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Madilyn's POV

Mahogany, me, Ariel, and Haylee all walked into the lunch room side-by-side, in that order. Some people look at us but most don't pay attention, so we walk over to an empty table. "Just so you know, Madilyn, this is our table. Haylee and I sit here every year." Ariel tells me and I just nod.

"Usually Jake sits with us too." Haylee adds.

"Hey, I forgot about Jake! Where is he?"

"We don't have the same lunch this year." Ariel frowns. That is going to suck for her, I know how much she hates being away from him.

We all start to talk about our classes so far. I haven't had Algebra 2 yet, I actually have that next and I'm happy to see my boyfriend finally. I haven't really talked to him all day, I wonder where he is now? So far, the boys are all in most of my classes. Shawn was in every single one of my classes so far, just my luck. Haylee and Ariel were in only one class with me, and it was the same class and we all sit next to each other. I think the teacher hates us already.

The conversation is cut short when Ariel turns her head and scowls at someone. "I thought she moved last year." she says through gritted teeth.

The three of us turn our heads and I see a girl with long, straight, dark brown hair with a bow in it. She was wearing high-waisted shorts and a crop top, along with some converse. "Who is it?" I ask them, and Ariel scoffs.

"Amanda Mackenzie."

"Ariel doesn't like her, like at all." Haylee laughs, shaking her head at her best friend.

I watch as the Amanda girl crosses her way through the room and she stands next to my brother's table. When Nash looks up at her, her grins, scooting over to make room for her to sit next to him. "Um..." I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah, she kind of claims to like your brother but we all know it's because she wants to be popular!" Ariel starts to get mad and this is the first time I've seen her not smiling and being the happiest person here.

"Okay, calm down hun." Mahogany calms her and Ariel starts to breathe regularly again.

"Why do you hate her so much?" I laugh.

"I don't hate her... I just don't like her at all."

"Well are you going to tell me why?"

Haylee rolls her eyes, "I'll tell you. It's because she took Ariel's spot as cheer captain."

"That is not the only reason!" The redhead girl objects.

"She's also Jake's ex girlfriend." Mahogany adds. "And they don't really have a reason to hate each other, they just feel like they're enemies so it stays that way."

"I don't want to talk about her anymore, let's talk about hanging out soon." Ariel changes the subject and they all start talking but I let my gaze drift over to where Nash and Mackenzie sat. It wasn't just them, Cameron was sitting at that table too. I would go sit over there if Cam wasn't there because I'm not sure if we are on good terms.

It kind of hurts to see the rest of the boys not sitting with them, knowing it's my fault they're not all friends together anymore. It's Cameron and Nash that are still friends, but the other boys drifted to separate groups. Shawn doesn't really talk to anyone right now, but I know that he hangs around with that boy I met one time, Aaron Carpenter. Taylor hangs out with Carter Reynolds, and Matt hangs out with Jacob a lot, and he hangs out with Carter a lot but not when Carter is hanging out with Taylor.

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