3: broken

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surprise double update bam

Cameron's POV

"So how are things with Haylee?" Nash asks me while we just sit in his room, playing video games.

I sighed. To be honest, I don't want to talk about Haylee. I like Haylee, yes, but sometimes I feel like I just want her because I want a distraction from Madilyn. I hate the fact that it has to be that way. "Fine I guess. But we talk about my girl issues all the time, what about you bro?"

He blushes. "Well..."

I gasp, "Nash! You actually like someone?!Finally, I was starting to think you were gay or something. Who is it?"

"Amanda freaking Mackenzie." he sighs happily, pausing our game. He turns to me, "I'm hoping her and Madilyn can become best friends or something."


"Because my best friends obviously fell in love with her, so maybe she will fall in love with me. Who knows."

"You have a point..."

"Speaking of Madilyn, you don't still like her do you Cam?" Nash asks me.

"I don't know. Let's not talk about it, okay?"

He nods, and we both drop the subject for the remainder of the day.


Shawn's POV

"How was the first day?" my mom asks me when I walk through the front door. She has a sympathetic smile on her face because she knows how depressed I am right now. It's not my fault the girl I love told me she loved someone else. I love her, but she loves him.

"Fine." I mumble as I toss my bag onto the couch and walk upstairs. I get in my room, locking my door behind me. The first thing I do is grab my laptop and my guitar, and I sit on my bed.

I open my laptop and go to the videos I've made of myself singing. I should just delete them. I don't have any hope anymore, and my dreams of becoming a famous singer are slowly fading away.

"Shawn I'm being serious when I say this, you have a talent.. you need to get your videos out there. I think I'm in love with your voice."

Madilyn's soft voice fills my mind and I squeeze my eyes close. I have a terrible headache. That was when I told Madilyn I was in love with her, and she pushed me away. I should have known then that it was over for good between us. She doesn't love me.

I don't have her now, and she was the only one who knew about my dream. She was the only one who reminded me that I had an amazing voice, but that's all over now. Angry tears fall down my face as I delete every single video I've ever made.

Before I know it a sob slips from my mouth and I slam the laptop shut. I grab my guitar, lifting it up and just as I was about to slam it against my desk, my mom flings the door open. "Shawn!"

I let it drop to the floor and she screams. "Oh, honey..." she steps forward and engulfs me into her embrace and I almost let her comfort me, but I end up shoving her off me.

"Get the hell off of me!" I spit at her and my mom gasps.

"Shawn Peter-"

"Please just get out." I cry, shakily pointing at the doorway. She looks hurt and upset, but she nods, leaving my room and shutting the door behind me.

I fall to the floor and just like my guitar, I'm broken and laying on the floor. Madilyn broke me.

Madilyn's POV

I was still laying in bed, texting Mahogany as I waiting for my boyfriend to get here. She was talking about hanging out with Jacob and how she doesn't think she can hangout with him anymore without telling him that she likes him. I think she should just go for it, because I have this feeling he likes her back. You can just see it when you watch them, the way he looks at her and he's always smiling when he's talking to her.

It's been twenty minutes and he still isn't here, and I've been trying my hardest to stay awake and wait for him. He should be here any minute now.

Finally, I hear a car pull into our driveway and I smile. As I lay in my bed waiting, I hear the sound of the front door opening, him walking up the stairs and finally my door opens and Taylor walks in.


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