5: football practice

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Madilyn's POV

It was only a week into the school year, and it was starting to finally feel like hell. The first week is always fine, but then the actual work starts to kick in and you have to start caring. Matt asked me to come to his football practice with him after school, and I told him I would even though all I wanted to do was go straight home and pass out.

I thought I was the last one in the locker room but I guess I was wrong. Amanda was in here too, and it was just me and her left now.

"Hey, Madilyn, right?" she asks me and I just nod. Ariel doesn't like her but I don't see why, she seems nice and she even complimented me on my necklace. "I'm Amanda, I don't think we've properly met."

"Yeah, you talk to my brother though." I shrug, closing the small locker and turning to her. I'm 99% sure that Nash likes this girl, but he won't admit it to me.

"Yeah, he's really sweet." she smiles at me again. "Are you going to try out for the cheerleading team?"

I laugh loudly, "No. That's my friend's type of thing."

"Oh, are you talking about Ariel?"

"Yeah, and Haylee."

"Aw, I adore those two."

I look at her confused, "Ariel? You adore her? Are you sure?"

"Well yeah, she's so sweet! I love how happy she is all the time. She's just so adorable and nice and I love her red hair!"

That's weird because she hates you. I think that in my head but I don't say it to her.

"Oh, well okay. I have to get going, I have to go to my boyfriend's practice. I'll see you around, Amanda."

"You can call me Mandy," she says before I leave, still smiling. Something was off about her smile, it was almost... fake. "We should hangout sometime."

"Okay, bye Mandy." I say and close the door. That was weird. On my way down the hallway, I pass a room where it looked like Shawn was talking with the teacher. The classroom was right next to my locker so I kind of listened to what they were saying.

"What do you need, Mr. Mendes?" He was talking to our biology teacher.

"Well I was wondering if I could ask you for a request on who my partner is for the project next week..." I hear Shawn's voice and he's talking slowly and somewhat awkwardly.

"What do you mean?"

"Before you assign us partners, c-can I be with Madilyn?" I hear him ask and I drop my book on the floor. He wants to be my partner? I thought he hated me; I thought he wanted to be as far away from me as possible. I quickly pick up my book and peer into the classroom to check if they heard me, which they didn't.

"Madilyn Grier, you're talking about?" she asks and I hear him murmur a 'yes.' "Is there a certain reason why you're requesting this, Shawn?"

"Well, I feel like I would work well with her, and- um..."

"You know that you can't just come up to me and ask you if you can be partners with your girlfriend, right?"

"She's not my girlfriend." He quickly says, and now I'm looking into the class room and his lips start quivering. "Please, Mrs. D?"

"I'll consider it, okay? But you can't be telling everyone I let you pick your partner if I put you with Miss Grier, because then everyone will be complaining about it."

"Okay, thanks Mrs. D." he says and I turn back to my locker in a swift movement. All the sudden, I'm grabbed from behind and I gasp. When I hear Matt's laugh I know it's him and I turn around, punching his arm. That's when Shawn walks out of the classroom and our eyes meet. He looks so sad, and it's all my fault.

"Hey Shawn." Matt says, giving him a light wave.

"Bye." Shawn says before making his way down the hall. I frown, closing my locker and turning to Matthew.

"You're so slow, Madilyn. I'm gonna be late for practice now!" He whines jokingly, slipping his hand through mine. "I still need to change."

"So how was your day?" I ask him as we walk down the hall.

"Stupid. How was yours?"

I laugh, "It was fine. How was your day stupid?"

"School is always stupid." he sighs as we get outside. It's still hot weather since it's only September, and the sun was out and shining today. Matt leans down and kisses my cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too." I reply and he smiles wide, leaving me to sit on the bleachers by myself. He gave me his sunglasses to wear since it was sunny and I sat with Ariel. She was here for Jake's practice, too.

"So, something weird happened today." I say to her and she looks at me.


"Mandy told me that she absolutely adores you." I start laughing as I watch her expression go sour.

"What the fuck? First of all, you're not aloud to call her Mandy! Second, ew." She says and I laugh harder because I barely hear Ariel use that type of language. "Why would she say that? She knows that we're basically enemies."

I talk to Ariel all throughout the practice, and I'm so glad she's here because if she wasn't I would be dying from boredom. When the practice is finally over, I sigh in relief and stand up as Ariel runs over to her boyfriend. Matt comes up to me and the sweat is glistening off his forehead.

"Hey baby." He leans down to kiss me but I put my hands on his chest.

"Ew, Matt. You stink."

He pouts, taking a seat on the bleachers and putting his leg up. "Tie my shoe?" I roll my eyes but allow him to set his foot on my knee, and I tie his shoe for him. After that I sit next to him and let him slip his hand through mine. We stay there and talk for a while until we decide we should go, and we walk to Matt's car. For some reason he convinced me to carry his football bag for him, I don't know how.

In his car, he keeps one hand on the steering wheel and the other held in mine as he drives to my house. About a month ago, I would have never thought I would be in this type of relationship with my best friend. But now everything is different, and even though I'm still getting used to it, I like the way things are going so far.

But there's one small problem... I can't get Shawn's sad face out of the back of my mind.


i need to know something

comment if you're a mattlyn shipper

or comment if you're not a mattlyn shipper and you think she should be with someone else

alright thanks ily all

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