28: netflix

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I woke up on Christmas morning to my little sister jumping on top of me and shaking my shoulders. "Wake up stupid! There are presents downstairs!" She yells in my face and I groan.

"I'm up, Sky." I laugh tiredly and roll out of bed, following the little girl out of my room. She runs into Hayes' room and does the same thing to him that she did to me as I use the bathroom real quick. It's like seven in the morning, but I'm not in a cranky mood because it's Christmas. I just realized this is my first Christmas with my family.

A tired looking Nash and Hayes come into the hallway as Skylynn runs into my mom's room to wake her up. When we get downstairs, everything looks so pretty and sparkly. There are a lot of wrapped presents beneath the Christmas tree and it looked amazing.

Before we started opening anything, my mom handed me a plain white envelope. It had my name written in sloppy handwriting and I just looked at my mom to ask her what it was but she just told me to open it. So I opened it, finding a plain green card with sparkly reindeer on the front. I opened it to see a one hundred dollar bill in the inside. There was more sloppy handwriting in it so I continued to read what it said.

Merry Christmas. Here is a little present from me. Hope you're doing good in North Carolina. From Dad

That's all it said. I didn't know what I was expecting but it wasn't to hear from my father. I looked up and everyone was staring at me so I crack a smile, setting the envelope beside me so we can go back to being happy.


Time went by fast after winter break. I spent New Years at my house with Mahogany, Jacob, Ariel, Taylor, Jordan, and Shawn. It was just us there and it was actually better than some huge house party where everyone else was. It was my first time getting a New Years kiss and it was from Shawn. Jacob and Mahogany were dating now (finally) and I saw them kiss when the ball dropped, and I even saw Taylor kiss Jordan on the cheek when that happened. It was adorable because she blushed and he just had this smile on his face. I kind of felt bad for Ariel because she didn't really have anyone. I guess her and Taylor didn't work out.

Shawn left a week after that for his Magcon event. He was only gone for the weekend plus Monday and when he got back he wouldn't stop smiling. He reached one million on vine by the time he got back which was incredible. I helped him make more covers for YouTube and he was getting bigger and bigger right before my eyes.

There was even a girl that noticed him when we went to Walmart one day. She was like, "Hey, you're Shawn Mendes from Vine!" and she got a picture and told him he was going to be big one day and he couldn't stop smiling after that.

He went to a Magcon event almost every weekend and he was traveling a lot and I got to see him less but at least he was doing what he wanted.

It was March now, Justin Bieber's birthday actually (March 1). My birthday was in three days and Shawn was going to be gone for Magcon again. He was going to Chicago this time.

Shawn and I weren't dating, but we acted like it a lot. Matt stopped talking to me after he saw Shawn and I kiss at Mahogany's Christmas party. It kind of hurt my feelings but I ignored it. Cameron acts like we never kissed for the first time and that we never even were close to being together. Taylor took my advice and hung out more with Jordan.

So I hung out with Shawn a lot and my feelings for him grew. I don't know why I ever decided to break up with Shawn.

I thought Matt was the one for me, I really did. But then again I kept thinking of Shawn a lot while I was with him. But then I wanted to be with Cameron because he made me feel so special for the few weeks Nash and him weren't on good terms. Then he randomly decided to ignore me and not talk about everything that happened between us just like that.

It's Saturday and I was sitting in my room alone, watching videos from the Magcon event that night that Shawn was at. He seems so happy there with the other people that are there too.

He texted me after his event and this is what it said:

Shawn: i just got back to the hotel and i'm soooo tired ! i had so much fun though. goodnight madilyn :)

I sighed and decided to stay up by myself all night. When it was around one in the morning, I got a text from Sam.

Sam Wilkinson: Hey.... Miss you

I look down at my phone, confused, and text him back.

Me: miss you too. what's up?

Sam: I've been thinking about you a lot lately.

Me: I haven't talked to you guys in a while. How are the Jacks?

Sam: They're good... Gilinsky doesn't talk about you as much anymore. JJ misses you a lot

Me: oh well it's good he finally moved on, and I miss JJ too.

Sam: why are you still up? it's late

Me: it's just how I spend my saturdays gaga

Sam: gaga?

Me: I meant haha but I was too tired to change it

Sam: get some sleep then! I'll talk to you later... goodnight beautiful

After texting Sam, he was on my mind again. I wouldn't have thought about him, or either of the Jacks, until he decided to text me at one in the morning.

I was about to fall asleep when Nash creeped into my bedroom, flicking on the light. "What the hell, that's so bright!" I groan as he closes my door and comes over to my bed.

"Hey, I know it's late but I gotta show you something." he whispers. I sigh and sit up in my bed as he shoves his phone into my face. I look at it and my mouth falls open.

It's a picture on Instagram posted by Alexa. It's of her and Matt, and they both look awfully drunk. Or high. She has her leg over him and he's holding her up with a red cup in his other hand. The caption says: partying with matty boiiii❤️😘

It had a freaking heart next to it and a kiss emoji. But he hates her... Then I remember that day she texted him and I never got to see what the text said. How could I not see this coming?

"What the fudge." I say, speechless.

"I know right, what a plot twist!" Nash says and shakes his head, shoving his phone back into the pocket of his sweatpants. "What's up, though? You tired?"

"I'm tired, yeah, but I can't sleep." I reply. He nods and moves to sit beside me, getting comfortable. He grabs my laptop and opens it.

"Let's watch a movie. I can't sleep either." he says and opens up to Netflix. As he searches for a movie for us to watch, he asks, "Have you talked to Shawn?"

"He texted me before he went to bed but that's about it." I say somewhat sadly.

"It's amazing how a six second app got him famous. I wonder what would happen if I started making vines." he laughs lightly to himself.

"You should. You're really funny and I think you could do it." I tell him and he looks at me oddly.


"Really!" I laugh. He shakes his head with a chuckle and we find a movie to watch, so we just stay up in my room and watch movies all hours of the night, not even realizing that it's soon light outside and Nash goes back over to his room. That's when I finally fall asleep.




question of the chapter:

how many fandoms are you in and what are they?

Ok guys I like one direction, Austin mahone, justin bieber, 5sos, o2l, janoskians, Fifth Harmony, Selena Gomez, and magcon or whatever I'm supposed to call them LOOOL

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