Character Answers

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If your username/name isn't next to your question I'm sorry it's because some of you guys asked the same question!!

okay so I asked you guys to ask the characters questions and here is what you guys asked!

Love you guys!!


the next chapter will be based off of my last chapter okayy?? this won't ruin anything for the book.

btw this is going to be loonnnnggg. There were A LOT OF FREAKING QUESTIONS WHICH WAS AMAZING

Madilyn's POV

"Madilyn, it's your turn." someone said from the doorway and I stood up, following her out of the little waiting room we were all sitting in.

"I get to go first? Yay." I smile to myself and follow the lady that was holding a clipboard.

"Just follow this hallway and wait until they call you on stage." she orders me and I nod, mumbling an 'okay' before I nervously walk down the dark hallway. I could hear lots of voices where I was going. On stage? Was I supposed to dress nicely? All I'm wearing is a pair of white skinny jeans and a black v-neck.

"Here we have is Madilyn Grier for the first interview!" I hear someone call and I realize that's supposed to be my cue, so I step out from backstage. My eyes widen as a crowd cheers for me and I see a red couch next to a red chair. As I'm walking out on the stage, I trip on a cord and stumble forward. The crowd gasps but I catch myself before I fall. I laugh it off despite the redness of my cheeks and the crowd laughs with me.

I would freaking trip in front of this many people.

I wave at the people in the crowd and awkwardly smile as a man dressed up nicely approaches me. "Hello Madilyn, I'm Bart Bordelon."

"Sup Bart?" I ask and he laughs along with the crowd. Oh okay. He tells me to take a seat on the couch so I do, making myself comfortable. "Why am I here, Bart?"

"For your interview, of course." he answers and I make an 'O' shape with my lips. I wasn't aware I had an interview. Wait, maybe that's what my mom has been talking about that was so important. I should listen to her more. "We should get started, so we have some questions for you Madilyn. Ready?"

"I guess so." I grin, reaching for the peanuts on the table in front of me and eating some before he asks me a question.

"This question is from Desiree, also known as dezz_m_n on Wattpad. Do you still want to move back in with your dad?"

"Uh... well I never really wanted to move back in with him. I thought I did because I was just looking for a way to escape my problems," I explain and notice how the crowd is nodding along with what I'm saying. "So no, I don't. I'm going to stay here and try to fix everything I've messed up."

"That's good," he smiles, going to another card with a question. "This one is from jesseelouise; Out of all the characters in this book, who would you kiss, marry, and kill?"

"Kill Amanda." I say right away with no hesitation, and the audience erupts into hysterics. The Bart dude laughs too, then silences the audience. "I would kiss... well I've already kissed the majority of them, so I don't know. And marry..." I trail off, looking at everyone's face in the audience. They're all watching intently to see what I'm going to say. "I don't know who I'd marry because I don't know who The One for me is."

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