34: Orlando

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Madilyn's POV

Shawn was going to Orlando for Magcon, and this time I wasn't upset he was leaving. The reason for that was because I was allowed to come with. My mother was hesitant to let me go and miss Friday and possibly Monday of school, but she allowed me to go with.

Both Shawn and I were super excited. It was mostly because we didn't have to spend time away from each other after basically spending the whole week together.

Right now we were on the plane to Orlando and we were playing a game where we would hum a song, and the other person had to guess what song we were humming. I was basically humming all Justin Bieber songs and Shawn was mostly doing Ed Sheeran.

Sometimes we would laugh at how stupid we sounded and we would receive glares from other adults around us. I hated being that teenager that was loud and obnoxious in public, but when I was with Shawn I couldn't help it.

I was currently attempting to hum "You & I" by One Direction and Shawn just smiled as soon as I started and got it right.

"This game is getting boring." I say after a while and lay my head on his shoulder. "Will you quietly sing to me until I fall asleep?"

"Yes baby." He replies and I get shivers from the word 'baby'.

He starts to sing a softer version of "She Looks So Perfect" by 5 Seconds of Summer and I don't want to fall asleep because I want to stay and listen to his beautiful singing but my eyes droop, and soon I'm asleep on his shoulder as his voice slowly fades out.

Cameron's POV

"What are your thoughts right now?" I ask Aubrey while we sit on the swings at the park, not swinging but slowly moving on it and talking. Well, we were talking but suddenly Aubrey got all quiet on me and stopped saying things. So, I decided to ask her what she was thinking.

"I don't know," she sighs, "I just don't want you to think this means something."

"Ouch." I laugh. I was slightly offended but I knew what she meant.

"No, I just mean..." she lets out a frustrated noise that looked adorable to me and continues speaking. "I mean that I don't want a boyfriend. What we're doing right now, this isn't a date."

"Well yeah, I mean I would take you on a nice ass date." I say smugly and she smiles but it fades as soon as it's there. I sigh. "Look, I want to hangout with you more. I understand you don't want a relationship... but what if one day you just, change your mind?"

"What do you mean, 'change my mind'?"

"What if you decide that you feel the same way towards me?"

"I need to ask you a question." She attempts to change the subject and it works because I know she wouldn't have answered my question anyway.

"Go ahead."

"So, that Madilyn girl..." she trails off and my heart sinks. Was it that obvious when we were at their house when the power was out? "I could see you staring at her and her boyfriend, Shane or whatever, and I could tell something went on between you two."

"What's your question?" I ask but it kind of comes out a little harsh.

"Uh... well, I just wanted to know what happened between you two?"

"You know what, I'll just tell you everything."

"What do you mean, everything?"

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