7: idk what to call this chapter

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i really didn't know what to call this chapter lol bye

Madilyn's POV

"I just don't know how I feel about Wednesdays," I say to my friends as we sat at the lunch table. "I mean it's like the middle of the week. It reminds you that you've made it through half already and to just hang in there. I consider Wednesday as my friend."

They all stare at me and don't say anything. Haylee cautiously takes a bite of her sandwich, and Ariel just laughs. "Why are we friends with you?"

I sigh and there's a presence next to me suddenly, and I feel a kiss on my cheek. "Hey Matt." I smile up at him and I thought he was going to sit down but he didn't. I noticed Carter next to him and I waved at him. He nodded at me and said hi.

"Carter and I are going to work on the project in Mrs. D's room for the lunch period with Alexa. I don't want to be in the same household as her so we are trying to get it done at school." Matthew explains and I laugh at what he said about Alexa. Speaking of her, she walks up to us too and stands next to Carter.

"Can we hurry up?" she asks the two boys with a bored look on her face. "I really want to get this done."

I watch Matt's facial expression change and he rolls his eyes, his back facing her so she didn't see. He kisses me one more time before telling me to pray for him, and they leave the lunchroom.

"Aren't you worried about her working with Matt?" Mahogany asks when they are gone.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"She means that Alexa has done something with almost every guy in this school because she is really good at getting her way. By the way she was eyeing Matt, he's probably her next target." Ariel explains for Mahogany, and Haylee just nods along to agree with that statement.


"What? It's true." Mahogany says.

"Matt wouldn't do that." I glare at them. "Do you know him at all? He hates her." I stand up and throw my water bottle in the recycling bin. You can thank Matt for making me recycle every day now. He literally ignored my for the rest of the school day after I threw my water in the trash.

"Madilyn!" I hear my brother call my name and he's waving me over to his table. I walk over to it and everyone there says hi to me, including Cameron.

"What do you want."

"Well aren't you nice?" he asks sarcastically, laughing as he stands up. "I need to ask you something."


"Well..." he glances back at Amanda and Cameron sitting at the table, and from what I can see they were flirting big time. I glare at Cameron, not because I'm jealous but because he is supposed to like Haylee. Why is he such a big flirt? Nash turns back to me, talking quietly now. "I really like Amanda..."

"You finally admitted it!" I grinned at my brother as his cheeks flush.

"Yeah well she likes Cameron." he frowns. I frown back at him as he keeps talking. "He knows I like her, too. Can you help me out?"

I sigh. Do I really want to help my brother? I guess so, I mean he does help me all of the time. "Hey, Amanda?" I ask the girl and she looks up at me, smiling. "Do you want to hangout sometime this week?"

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