16: whales & black clothing

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Madilyn's POV

The ride to Omaha wasn't anything exciting, just a bunch of listening to Jack J snore in the passenger seat. Gilinsky was driving, leaving Sam and I in the back. It mostly consisted of watching videos of whales on YouTube. That may or may not have been my fault. My headphones were plugged into my iPhone and one was in my ear, the other in his.

"You really watch these during your alone time?" He asks, awed by the fact that I indeed do find whale videos fascinating. My Saturday nights are always me sitting up in my room with my laptop, looking up videos of whales.

"Yeah," I reply, "Cool right?"

"Sure..." he chuckles and shakes his head at me, and I feel him lay his head on my shoulder. Now I am starting to realize how much of a freak I actually am. Nobody really knows about this side of me, the side that watches whale videos on Saturday nights and wishes she was a sloth sometimes.

"What're you doing? You can't go to sleep, we're watching hump backs versus fin whales!" I wail. Get it? Wail, whale.

"But I'm tired, and whale videos are making me more tired..." he whines, making himself comfortable with his head on my shoulder. He closes his eyes and crosses his arms. I felt kind of tense now and I shifted in my seat, sinking down so it was more comfortable for the both of us.

Sammy fell asleep on me soon after that and it was just Jack G and I awake now. My phone was going to die soon so I decided to stop watching videos on whales and shut it off. I relax into my spot and lean my head on Sam's so I'm comfortable. We stop at a red light and Jack glances back at us, raising his eyebrow.

"Are you comfortable?" he laughs. The light turns green and he starts driving again. Jack and I just talk for a long time while he drives and the other two boys in the car sleep. Sam was still asleep on me but it didn't really bother me. This is going to be one long car ride. It's a good thing we don't have school on Monday for some teachers meetings or something like that.

I'm not in North Carolina anymore. North Carolina is almost nineteen hours away. I'm nineteen hours away from those boys, nineteen hours away from my problems.

Nash's POV

Cameron was the first person here and we were just chilling for a while until the door opened. I knew it was Taylor because he was usually the one to barge right in without knocking, besides Cam because Cam basically lives here.

The tension was formed as soon as Taylor and Cameron laid eyes on each other. The both of them tensed up at the same time and I noticed how Cameron's jaw clenched and Taylor balled his fists. "What the fuck?" Taylor mumbles before turning around and starting to walk straight back out the door.

"Taylor wait!" I shout and jump up from the couch, running towards the door and slamming it shut before he could get out.

"I knew something like this would happen," he says to me. "You know Cameron and I stopped being friends after that fight."

Cameron steps up from behind me awkwardly and looks at Taylor, "Hey man... I'm really sorry about that. We were both drunk and we might as well just forget about it now. Madilyn obviously isn't interested in either of us."

Taylor just looks at him without saying anything for a few moments. Then, a grin appears on his face and they give each other a 'bro hug' as they call it. With guys, fights aren't a big deal after a while. With girls, I don't even know.

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