14: college boys

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Shawn's POV

Jack Gilinsky? Oh hell no.

"Oh sorry man, this actually isn't where the Grier's live!" I tell him, laughing to cover up how bad of a liar I am. He needs to get away. "They moved... to China."

He laughs. "You're Shawn, right?"

"I'm not telling you."

He raises an amused eyebrow and just laughs again. I can see why Madilyn thought he was so attractive, and to be honest I'm kind of jealous of his perfectly sculpted jawline. And his dark hair that probably isn't even styled and it still looks good. And looking at him, I think that I really need to work out more.

"It was nice meeting you, Shawn." he smiles at me and walks up to the front door. I don't stay any longer and drive away. What is he even doing back here? Isn't he like, supposed to be in college?

Madilyn's POV

I plopped right down onto the couch once I got inside. Hayes and I were the only ones home right now I guess. Nash was at Cameron's, (for once he was at his house and Cam wasn't at ours) and Sky was still at the day care place she goes to until my mom picks her up on her way home from work.

"Hey Madilyn." Hayes says when I walk into the house. My brothers have been extremely nice to me these past few days while I dealt with my aching heart. "Wanna play video games with me?"

I was about to say no like I usually did when Hayes asked me this, but this time I said yes. Why not? I need to get my mind off of things and what's a better way to do that than to kill some zombies?

Hayes throws me a controller and it lands on the floor because I didn't catch it. "Dude I wasn't ready!"

she wasn't readddyyyy. sorry bye

"You're so dysfunctional." Hayes jokes before jumping on the couch next to me. "Also, you're holding it upside down." he adds, flipping the controller in my hands so is going the right way.

I scoff, "I knew that."

"Sure ya did, Mads." he smiles at me and begins to teach me how to play. His words don't make much sense to me and just as we began to actually start playing, there was a knock on the door. He groans. "You get it."

I roll my eyes and stand up, walking over to the door. It's probably just stupid Nash forgetting his key again. Actually, I do that more than him so I shouldn't be talking. I open the door and oh my gosh it's Jack. "Jack!" I scream, throwing my arms around him right away. He laughs in my ear and hugs me back.

"Hey, Madilyn." He breathes and I pull away from him.

"What are you doing here? Where's Johnson?"

"Him and Sammy were supposed to be following me here but I lost them on the highway." he laughs.

"Sammy is coming too?" I grin. Suddenly I wasn't feeling so sad anymore.

"Yeah, and we all decided to come visit you until Sunday because you've been upset lately." he explains and my grin only grows wider, and I step aside so he can come inside. Hayes looks at him cautiously.

"Hayes, this is Jack. Jack, this is my little brother, Hayes." I introduce them and Hayes looks him up and down before saying, "Hey."

"What's up?" Jack replies, glancing at the TV.

"We were about to play video games but Madilyn sucks." Hayes shrugs, averting his attention back to the TV. Jack just laughs as I ignore Hayes' rude comment. I grab Jack's hand and pull him out to my backyard.

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