30: madilyn's birthday pt. 2

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Madilyn's POV

Shawn and I sat in a booth in the corner of the nice Chinese restaurant. He told me that since it was my birthday, I got to pick where we ate and I of course chose Chinese food. While we waited for the man to come take our order, Shawn rambled on and on about his weekend in Chicago.

"There was so much snow," he says after taking a drink of his water. "And the fans were so loud. It was incredible!"

"Sounds like you had a good time." I smile at him as his eyes shine from all the happiness he's experiencing just from talking about it.

"I did, aside from missing you so much."

I reach my hand across the table and set it atop of his, looking at him lovingly. "I missed you too, more than usual. I was kind of upset because I wouldn't be with you for my birthday. But now here you are, making it the best birthday I've had yet."

He stares at me for a long time before saying, "Madilyn, why don't we just date?"

I raise my eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I ask with a laugh.

"I mean, we should just date. You should be my girlfriend. I basically already consider myself your boyfriend. My fans know about you, you know! I talk about you a lot when I'm gone for Magcon. Oh that reminds me... Bart wants to meet you. Whenever my family members ask who you are I just tell them you're my girlfriend. Let's just make it official, right here, right now. I'm confirming that we are dating, that you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend."

I stare at him in disbelief and complete awe before replying with, "Are you even real?"

He's grinning by now and he raises his eyebrow just like I had done before and says, "What do you mean?" just like I had said before also.

"I mean you cannot be a real boy. I mean how could I possibly be lucky enough to be your girlfriend?"

His smile only grows wider. "Is that your way of confirming our relationship?"

I smile right back at him. "What do you think?"

We only grin at each other until the man comes to take our order. I'm forced to tear my eyes away from my boyfriend so I can tell him my order. But my boyfriend already knows I'm too awkward to take my own order and tells the Chinese waiter what I want. My boyfriend is the sweetest boy in the world.

My boyfriend is Shawn and I couldn't be more happy about that.


When Shawn and I return to my house with a stomach full of Chinese food, my mom is home and she made cake and bought ice cream. Mahogany, Ariel, and Haylee are at my house waiting for me and I notice that Jordan came along with Mahogany. Taylor was here too, sitting next to Jordan on the couch. Kam (if you forgot she's Nash's girlfriend) has came along too with Nash and Aaron is still here with Hayes.

My hand is held in Shawn's as we walk in and my mom comes to hug me so I have to let go. "Happy birthday honey!"

"Thanks, Mom." I smile as she pulls away.

Everyone here stays until eight thirty considering we have school tomorrow. It was a pretty good night, and it was definitely a pretty good birthday. When everyone is gone besides Shawn, the two of us are standing on my front porch because he has to leave in a few minutes.

"Did you have a good day today?" he asks while he holds me on the porch, kissing my forehead shortly afterwards. I nod against his chest. "Want me to make it even better?"

I look up at him. "How could you possibly do that?"

He only smiles at me, pulling me over to his car. He opens up his trunk where his guitar is lying and I can only smile as he takes it out. I take a seat in the very back of his Jeep, below the hood of his trunk that was open and he sits next to me with his guitar. He starts to play slowly and I can already recognize what he's going to sing.

With a smile to himself, he starts to sing the beginning of "You & I" by One Direction to me. I sit there and listen to his beautiful voice, and my eyes shift back and forth from his fingers against the strings and his lips that sang the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.

He finishes and his eyelids flutter open, looking at me with soft brown eyes. I lean forward and kiss him, him moving his guitar off his lap so he can cup my jaw. He pulls me towards him more and his lips move against mine for a long time before we both lose balance and Shawn almost falls out of the car. I giggle and he laughs as he brushes my hair back away from my face.

"I should go home." he whispers.

"Yeah," I whisper back. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?"

"Mhm." he murmurs, leaning forward and kissing me again, but a shorter one this time. He smiles and we hop down from our seat on the back of the car. He closes his trunk then turns back to me, hugging me so tightly and lifting me up so my feet aren't touching the pavement any longer.

I laugh into his shoulder. "Goodnight Shawn."

"Goodnight, I'll text you when I get home." he kisses my cheek and we go separate ways, him getting into his car and me walking up the steps of my porch. I wait until he's on the road until I walk inside and I slump happily against the door.

Then my smile vanishes because I just realized I have so much homework.





question of the day:

just curious, but what has been your favorite part ever in both of these fanfics, The Decision and The One?

lOvE u

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