Chapter 46: I hate you

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Laurie's POV:

I wake up realising that today is my last day here in Portland. I automatically frown.

I'm about to get up but I'm held back by a pair of arms hugging me.

I turn around and see a sleepy, shirtless, with messy fluffy hair Daniel slightly snoring. (iiWhyDontWeFanii )

Just for your information, nothing happened. We just snuggled. Nothing more. Don't get any ideas in your head ya nasty.

I smile and hold a small laugh at his cuteness.

I scoot closer and kiss his cheek. He automatically smiles.

"Ha! Knew it! You weren't sleeping!" I yell a bit too loudly and getting up hitting him with a pillow.

"Baaaabe stooop." He complains. "It's too early for this." He reaches for me but fails.

"Nope. It's time to get up sleepyhead." I tickle him slightly making him laugh quietly.

"Five more minutes." He whines.

"I'd like that too Seavey. But sorry, no can do. You said the same thing yesterday and we ended up falling asleep again till 2pm." I try to sit up but can't.

"But baaaaaabe." He fake cries. I laugh.

"You're such a baby." I can't resist but hug him tight.

"But I'm your baby." He winks at me wrapping his arms around my body.

"Jeez you're so cheesy. I hate you." I roll my eyes and wiggle trying to leave.

"Oh you love me." He pulls me closer and kisses me.

In a matter of seconds, it turns into a makeout session. (Omg idk why but I'm laughing at this)

I quickly part away leaving him hanging.

"Noooo." He yells. "Whyyyy?? Don't you dare do this again to me do you know how much it hurts to be left like that?" He crosses his arms and fake pouts. "I hate you."

"Oh you love me." I mimic him giving him a last peck before getting up to go to the kitchen.

I am the first one up which surprises me because I did yell earlier I thought I woke up everyone. I walk past the living room and see 3/5 of the Why Don't We boys, except Daniel, that slept with me, and Zach, who I suppose is cuddling with my sister.

Instead of waiting, I decide to make some pancakes for our last day staying here. It's heartbreaking to leave this place but we have to continue working.

As the first pancakes are already cooked, I hear heavy steps running to the kitchen.

Four hungry boys (minus Zach) come running pass the kitchen door and shove each other to eat the small quantity of pancakes that are on the table.

I just stand there waiting for the pancake to be cooked and watching at the scene of the boys fighting over food.

It's entertaining.

Fifteen minutes later, we are done eating breakfast, with my brother and mom included, and I kept some of it for Allison and Zach that still haven't come down.

"Laurie, babe." Daniel says after swallowing his last piece of food. "Get ready, I'm taking you out on a date." He casually says.

"Oh okay then. At what time is it?" I ask, taking a sip from my coffee.

"Be ready in 30." He kisses my cheek. "Casual."

I nod smiling at him, my turn to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, we'll leave you two alone." Jack rolls his eyes getting up and taking the dishes to put them in the dishwasher.

Once we are done clearing the table, I go up in my room and start to get ready.

I take a quick shower and dress up with ripped jeans, a pastel short sleeved shirt, blue converse and Daniel's black zipper jacket. I'm too lazy to put make-up.

I take a small bag to put my belongings and start to me my way down.

As I am about to get out, I see Alli and Zach in the kitchen. They are sitting really close and Alli is feeding some pancakes to Zach. Cute.

"Finally you came down." I say loud enough for them to hear.

"What took you so long?" I ask. I see my sister's cheeks turn red and Zach scratching the back of his neck.

I ditch them and go out, seeing Daniel standing next to the car, waiting for me.

As I arrive, he opens the door for me to go in.

"Why thank you." I smile at him. "What a gentleman." I state.

"I try, I try." He bows at me causing me to laugh.

He jogs to the driver's seat and starts the engine.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." He winks at me.

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