Jumin x MC ~ Jealous MC

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She had been hanging off of him all day. Jumin had hired you to replace Jaehee, but it was constantly difficult for you to adjust to all the women that flung themselves at your boyfriend. And today was no different.

You and Jumin had flown out to some bathing suit shoot about being one of the youngest multi-millionaires. Normally, you'd be thrilled to see Jumin in nothing but swim trunks but apparently the shoot came with a few major annoyances. And one of them would not leave Jumin's arm.

"Oh Mr. Han! It must be so difficult to get any work done when you have an assistant so obviously dying for your attention. I mean look at how revealing her clothes are!"

Ironic, coming from a woman in a swimsuit who won't stop touching him. Your eye twitched in annoyance. You were holding it in as best you could, but you were incredibly jealous. You were always jealous. That was one of the things Jumin loved about you. In fact, just seeing your nostrils flare right now was giving him a hard-on.

The model leaned over and whispered in his ear about going somewhere more private, but he could barely hear her.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid my assistant has something she needs to share with me. Please, MC, allow me to show you to a place where you can discuss the business with me."

Jumin had been able to keep his cool, but you were quickly losing it. He was going to get an earful. You stomped off behind him as the model let off an offended noise and stomped back to her posse in the prep area. You were being led to the guest room that Jumin (as well as you) were staying in.

As Jumin shut the door behind you both, you whipped around and just about began your rampage when Jumin scooped you off of the floor and slammed you against a wall. His tongue was forced into your mouth as your arms and legs wrapped desperately around him.

"Oh, God, MC. You're so fucking hot when you're jealous. Your eye twitches and your nostrils flare," Jumin quickly worked to free himself from his swim shorts, not bothering to even step out of them. "And that's when I know you're thinking of me and only me. In your tiny fucking skirt, and your button up dangerously low, the best part of it is that I know," He took a pause here as he lined himself up, "that your dripping wet pussy is completely without protection from me." Instantly he thrust himself inside of you. He knew you well enough to know you never wore panties to work. They were just a barrier for him.

"JUMIN!~" You cried out as he fucked you against the wall.

"I know I'm all you think about, just keep saying my name baby." He cooed as he continued his violent pumps into your body.

"Jumin! Jumin! Jumin!" As your legs quivered, you felt your grip loosening on him and it becoming more difficult to brace yourself against the wall.

Quickly, Jumin stepped out of his shorts and carried you to the bed. He laid you down and quickly resumed his pace; he was supposed to be working after all.

"You're mine, Jumin. I..." You paused to let out a guttural moan. "Just... want... to let them... all... know..." You were panting, nearing your climax. "That's you're mine!" You clawed his back, drawing blood.

"FUCK!" Jumin yelled in ecstasy, "Claw me up, kitty cat." He groaned as you obeyed his wishes.

Finally, after you and he had both climaxed, gotten redressed and cleaned up, you walked out together.

"Jumin! Where have you been! We're shooting again!" The director cried out.

"Very well." He sighed and looked at you. Providing you a sexy wink, he pulled a button up over his scratches.

You watched from a distance as he and the other models, including the offensive one, got together in a pose.

"Alright, Jumin, take off the shirt, let's get in position." The photographer got ready to take the pictures.

He made eye contact with you as he removed the article of clothing. The model looked at his back and gave the most surprised face she ever could have, while Jumin simply ran his hand through his hair and smiled.


Man, I hope they choose that photo for the cover. You thought as you silently giggled.

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