Requested: Ray x MC x V ~ Trust (Pt. 1)

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AN: Hardest. Scenario. Ever. Seriously. These two aren't really naturally compatible, so to come up with a scenario where not only they would be together, but would be FINE sharing MC... phew. Brain stretched. Here we go.

"You need to stay quiet, MC..." V caressed the side of your face as he kissed your neck. "We don't know when Ray will be back."

"Ray is already back." A sniffling voice rang out from the doorway, forcing you and V to quickly separate. Fear coursed through your veins; what would Ray do? You had been developing a relationship with the sweet, yet confused man... but that didn't mean he wouldn't kill you for the discretion.

You had also had a relationship with V before being kidnapped by Magenta (or whatever they were calling themselves at this point), and upon seeing him, you couldn't help but greet him with fervent love and a shower of kisses. So now what were you going to do?

"Ray, my darling." You began. "This is V, we dated before I met you. He's hurting and I thought I might help him feel better."

"I am hurting too." He sniffled and took a step closer to both you and the mint-haired man. This was a more positive step. He certainly didn't shoot you both on the spot. "Does that mean I will get kisses?"

"You could." You looked over at V for help.

"My eyes hurt." V added in, hesitantly, stepping in front of you for protection. "I like when she strokes my hair."

"I wanna put my head on your lap and ask you to take a look at me..." Something was off about Ray today. He wasn't quite like his normal self. You looked over at V again, nodding slowly.

"Let us sit down. I'll hold your head in my lap, Ray." V quickly sat back on the bed and held his arms open. "What hurts?"

Ray looked at you, looked at V and then sighed. Laying on the bed, he carefully placed his head onto V's lap and looked up at him. Briefly, the older man glanced to you, tilted his head, indicating that you too should take a seat and then, with a sigh he leaned down and kissed Ray's forehead.

"Does that make it feel better, Ray?" His deep voice ran over the younger man and your own ears like velvet. You had to admit, despite the fear that you had, it was quite sultry.

"More. And I wish you would caress my wounds as well..." Ray pouted as he reached out to touch your knee.

A tiny smile played on your lips. That was easy enough; Ray was, when stable, very sweet and often tugged at your heart strings.

You knelt on the ground in front of him and carefully began kissing his nose, and his eyelids, as V continued to kiss his cheeks and his forehead.

"Mmm." Ray let out a pleased sound. "I can make myself bleed much more, if only I can have you to touch me..."

"There is no need." V responded quickly, his eyes, although damaged, met yours with a lascivious look. "You need only to ask if you want to be touched more."

You quickly gave him a concerned look, wishing you could read his mind.

This is how to earn his trust.

That is what V was thinking.

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