Requested: Cheater!Saeyoung x MC ~ Silence

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You stand opposite each other in your hotel room, divorce papers on the table, ready for what you had wanted to do. Saeyoung approaches you like a chastised dog, eyes cast downward, cautious smile like a tail wagging fearfully. He didn't know what to think and neither did you. Why were you here? Why did you allow him another chance to "talk it out"? He is out of his element and neither of you know what the situation is. Especially now that the tides have turned a little more... sensual... than you had wanted. He extends a hand toward you, but he doubts himself, and it's like he's reaching to you through thick honey, His hand slowing, stopping.

You pause, give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts and maybe, maybe, relish having this power over Saeyoung, just for second. But you take pity on Saeyoung-- the indulgence of those with power-- you take his hand and pull Saeyoung toward you, and right into your arms. Absolution has always been Saeyoung's. His kind gets away with anything. The pitiful, handsome and damaged kind. Even his explanation of what went down that disgusting night was difficult not to just blow off.

"I was jacking off to you, I swear. And before I knew it, his hand joined mine and then, I was breaking our vows. I didn't know how to stop. I didn't mean to. I never meant to. I didn't want to. I'm so sorry."

The heat of his body is intense against your own. Saeyoung settles his feet outside of your own and he folds his arms around you. Saeyoung take a great, shuddering breath and pull you in more tightly, until you both are pressed together, chest to chest, belly to belly, thigh to thigh.

You breathe in his expensive soapy scent, run a hand over the muscles in his back and up the strong line of his spine. The practical, smart part of you says, "Stop what you're doing. Keep talking it out. He has no excuse." But the pull of his dark, needy presence is too much to endure; Saeyoung compels you to touch him simply by being within reach. You were wrong earlier, thinking that you were in power. You are absolutely under his power. You always have been. Not that he knows that.

Not a word has passed between you in the moments since he uttered those fateful words.

"I can't live without you. Baby, please. I'll die without you. Please... can't I just show you how much I love you?"

You look up at Saeyoung, and Saeyoung looks down at you. He smiles pathetically... gently, fingers brushing your cheek, one arm still pressing you close, tightly, almost painfully. You could feel the regret. The sincerity. His nose touches yours and you tip your face upward and into a sudden kiss, taking Saeyoung's lips for your own.

He kisses you back, desperation plain. You can feel the tension in his body as he tries to hold back, slow down, savor, but you are both beyond that. It's been weeks since you've touched; since you've even talked. You both know these roads, though you haven't taken them in a while, and while there is an awkwardness like newness between you both, your and Saeyoung's hands remember.

Yet, Saeyoung desires full contact. If he could cover every inch of you with his hands and his body, he would. He lifts one of your legs up, and you toss your arms around his neck as Saeyoung lifts the other one up and around his body. Suspended there, his hands curve under you, pulling you closer while Saeyoung exhales deeply into your neck. You yank at his hair to better angle his mouth toward you, take his bottom lip into your own and bite, maybe a little too sharply, eliciting a huff.

Saeyoung stumbles forward and your back hits the wall, knocking the air out of you. With one hand under each of your round thighs Saeyoung supports you between the wall and his hips, bones digging into you painfully. Saeyoung pull back from the kisses to make eye contact while he unbuckles his belt underneath you.

Heat is coursing through your abdomen, urgent and tender, like a steady electric current, radiating out from your womanhood already slick with want, or even need of Saeyoung. You're pulling your dress out from between you and up around your waist. Saeyoung grinds against you, pants pooled around his ankles, boxers and panties the only thing separating your husband from you. Now, his lips are on your throat. You lick the shell of his ear and Saeyoung buries his face in your chest, lifting you up until he can bite at your breast through the fabric of your dress, breath heavy, sweat already dripping out of anticipation.

Saeyoung fumbles with his black, cotton boxers, pushing them down, cock slipping free. Saeyoung doesn't even bother taking your matching black cotton panties off. Instead, he just pushes them to the side and lets you slide slowly down the wall. He always loved how your panties matched his boxers. That was your Valentine's Day gift to him. Matching sets of underwear.

But that isn't on your mind now. Now, you can feel the head of his pulsating cock pushing against your folds and that electricity shoots upward through your abdomen and into your chest, up into your brain. Both of you are holding your breath until the moment Saeyoung presses himself slowly and fully into you.

It hurts just a bit, having not been so stretched out and used in a few weeks. Or is it months now? Either way, you both gasp. You tighten your arms around Saeyoung as he sinks as far into you as he can, so carefully, so gently, even now, giving you time to accommodate him within you. You tighten your legs around him and Saeyoung responds in kind, one arm in the small of your back and one under you, pulling you yet closer, though there is no way you could be physically closer. But it's not the physical closer you crave. You both know you're searching for the emotional closeness that you've lost. He pulls out slightly and begins the steady rhythm, muscles flexing through his shirt under your touch. That was always the sexiest part of making love with him. He's so muscular, and so strong, you weren't surprised to hear that someone else had made a move on him.

You both go quiet for a moment. No moaning, not even any panting; just feeling each other, moving, listening to the steady breathing. Saeyoung takes a careful step back and turns, letting you fall off of him and onto the bed. He comes falling after you, kicking off his pants as you pull your panties free. It's not long before you are a tangle of limbs and kisses, and as soon as you can throw a leg over Saeyoung, you do. You grab his member, slick with your own juices and carefully lower yourself down, causing him to let out a gasp. He pulls your dress up and over your head, quickly replacing his hands on your hips, moving you back and forth on his desperate flesh. You pull clumsily at his shirt and Saeyoung sits up, letting you tug it off him. He then captures you in his arms, pulling you down onto the bed, into a kiss with you on top.

Now you make the rhythm, and you make it slow, your hand between your legs, catching yourself up to Saeyoung. The hunger on his face is almost too much to bear, you want to give him what he wants. His hands find your breasts, and with his long ingenious fingers, Saeyoung teases your nipples this way and that, sending heat through you. Ironically, chills raise the hairs on your arms and legs, and your throat tingles as moans try to escape. You take each of his hands in your own and pin them down above his head, and you pick up the pace, rocking in his submissive lap. Saeyoung moans helplessly into your ear, hands clenched beneath your own. He's showing you how much he's yours; not that there really was any doubt.

You knew that he hadn't sought out to cheat on you. He wasn't a scoundrel; he was just weak. He wouldn't say no; wouldn't push someone away.

And he knew that too. So he was going to show you that he wouldn't be so passive. He wouldn't live his life as a bottom; being jacked off; being made love to.

Saeyoung rolls you off suddenly, onto the floor, carefully. You look up at him, surprised. Quickly, however, Saeyoung takes over your body, pushing you down and overpowering you, quenching his need to be inside of you, going faster. Saeyoung hit your insides just so and now you're panting, crying out. He's nearing his end and trying to make it last, but it's too late and he can't stop kissing you, and gasping into your mouth as he comes inside of you. But he won't be pulling out of you. You're trying to catch your breath but you're left hanging as his lips refuse to leave yours. His hand reaches down with skilled fingers, he begins to make circles around your clitoris. His lips never stray from your face, kissing you sweetly, breath hot, hot on your sweaty skin while his hand builds you up even higher than you thought you could go.

You're delirious, lost in his kisses, and the heat is building. Your insides are so slick with your liquids and his own that the noises are turning you on even further. You whimper wordlessly to let Saeyoung know not to stop, please, don't stop. Saeyoung picks up the speed ever so slightly and takes you over the edge, leaning into you while you gasp and shudder, lost in the noise of your own lovemaking.

It takes you minutes before you can compose yourself or move, and Saeyoung lay there wrapped around you, patient, attentive, kisses chaste and sweet like promises. Promises that he can do better. Promises that he will take care of you. Promises that he won't be signing those divorce papers any time soon.

AN: Sorry it's been so long! Here's a really long one :)

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