Requested: Youtuber! Zen x Reader ~ Female "Viagra" Prank (Pt. 1)

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"Alright, for all my fans who requested this, this is the so called 'Viagra Prank' that I'm going to play on YN. For anyone who doesn't know, it's me pranking my girlfriend, who DISCLAIMER!!! Already gave me permission to do this to her! She just didn't know when! DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION! I'm pranking her by putting a female version of Viagra, a libido-enhancing drug in a drink for her and she won't know it's happening tonight. I practically vlog every night that we go out, so it's not a big deal and she won't know it. Anyway, so maybe she'll get really horny, or maybe she won't act on it at all, we'll see. But for now, my loyal Zennites, we'll have to see how my princess reacts!" Zen looked behind him as he held the camera up. "Oh, hey Princess, I was just talking about how we were going out for dinner at that really nice restaurant we like, with the fancy white table cloths and everything."

"Oh, yeah, that's tonight. Hmm. Okay. I'll go get dressed." You looked at him and waved at his camera. "Hi Zennites!"

"Hey, do you want the rest of my sparkling juice, babe? I'm done with it." He held out the glass to you.

You shrugged.

"Sure." As you took it, walked away and drank  it, Zen turned back to the camera and mouthed the words "Oh my Gosh!". His plans were set in motion.

As you began eating your dinner later that evening at the restaurant, your eyes could hardly stay off of your boyfriend in front of you, despite the fact that he was happily chatting to the live streaming camera that was pointed at the both of you.

"Have I told you how handsome you are, Zenny?" You piped up.

"Well, not today, YN. But thank you!" He smiled sweetly at you and you felt your heart race and blood rush to your nether regions.

"I mean... not just that. Stunning. The Zennites are so lucky that they get to watch you on your channel! But I'm the luckiest of all." You smiled mischievously as you slipped off your shoes beneath the table, which had a white cloth that extended to the ground. Slowly, you extended your leg until your feet found its target and began gently rubbing.

Zen leaned over onto the table and scooted his chair closer to the table.

"Oh, pray tell, why is that, Princess?"

"I get to experience your full glory, first hand!" You smiled at him widely as you ate the food in front of you as salaciously as possible.

Zen watch with lust in his eyes as your tongue would wrap around your fork and take the food into your mouth slowly. Your feet rubbing his member through his pants made for an escalating situation.

"This food, Zenny, it's wonderful, really, but you know what I like the taste of better?" You looked at him with a particular expression and a grin like a cheshire cat. All the while, you felt the pole between his legs stand at attention for you.

"What is it, kitten?" He nickname for you subtlety switched, telling you that he was playing the same game that you  were.

"Something I can only get at home." You set your fork down politely. "Could we take the rest of our food to go?"

Zen licked his lips and looked at the camera furtively.

"Mmm. I'm not really ready yet. Can you wait a bit longer? I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick, excuse me." He stood up, hiding the distraction between his legs and fled to the bathroom.

"I can come—" You stood up to follow him, but he was already gone. "... too."

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