Jumin x Reader ~ Shy!Kinky!Reader

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As Jumin entered his home for the evening, he was greeted by a wonderful sight. You were dressed only in an apron, cooking him dinner. Your bare ass was on display and it drove him wild.

As he set his briefcase down, he walked towards you, unbuckling his belt and freeing his growing member from its confines.

"Well, hello, my lovely new wife. And to what do I owe the pleasure of this sight?" He wrapped his arms around your waist and rubbed his large manhood against you.

"I... I thought y-you might l-l-like it. You... I mean... Y-You bought i-it for m-me..." You were so embarrassed to be dressed this way, but you knew for a fact Jumin wanted this. And as his new wife, you didn't want to let him down. And no part of him was down, at all.

"Married to me and you're still so shy... I love it. It's positively endearing, my wife. Of course I love it, because I love you. Please, let me take you right here, while you're mixing together the ingredient for what I assume will be a delicious dinner."

"R-Right here?!? But-but-but Jumi! What... What if someone walks in? What about dinner." Your face was beet red as you confided your worries to him.

"The only thing I want to eat, is you my princess. Not any gourmet food could feed my hunger right now. Don't worry, I'll make sure to fill you up, you won't be hungry... You're so sexy, YN. I just love it when you call me Jumi. Mmm," He readjusted so that his stiff cock was poking at your entrance. "God, you're the perfect height for this too. I just love you, YN. So can I please put my throbbing... hard... desperate..."

"C-cock inside me?" You blushed and leaned against the counter as you finished his sentence. "Y-Yes, Jumi. I'd l-like that..."

And that was all he needed. Gently, yet with purpose, he guided his large member inside your folds.

"MMMMmmm. Just what I need when I get home from a hard day at work." Jumin mused as he thrust in and out of you. This is when your shyness began to fade.

"Yeah, Daddy works hard... doesn't he?" You moaned as he placed a hand on your back, forcing you to bend more over the counter.

"Oh, God, yes. Daddy works hard to pay for nice things for his princess." Jumin loved being called Daddy, almost as much as he loved fucking you. But that wasn't the only thing he liked.

"Get me a diamond necklace, daddy! Buy me a new golden ring!" You cried out as he thrusts became more powerful.

Jumin couldn't help himself when you demanded gifts and money from him. He loved to pretend you were turned on by his money; that he was good for nothing but financial support. And that was only because he knew it was all an act. You wouldn't have cared if he made an hourly wage, or was the richest man in the world. All you knew was how good he was with his dick.

"Do you want a new gown? A set of sapphire earrings? Tell me what you want from me, princess and I'll give it to you!" Jumin entangled his hand in your hair and yanked back on it.

"I want your cum, daddy! I want it deep inside me!" You screamed out, in deep pleasure from the pain he was inflicting.

"Fuck, aw fuck, I can't fucking resist you..." Jumin's filter came off as he jerked violently inside you in response to the climax of your walls. There was no way he wouldn't finish from this.

He held you close as he panted.

"I think... I think I have worked up an appetite for whatever you have made me." He smiled and hugged you tighter. He loved his wife.

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