Requested: Jihyun x MC ~ Behind the Camera

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"D-Do I really have to take our Christmas card photos in th-th-this?" You stuttered out.

"Mmm. Yes. It's my time to show off." Jihyun licked his lips behind his camera. He had bought this "virgin-killer" sweater just for you. It was a joke really, since he was now the only non-virgin in the RFA. But this joke was quickly becoming more serious to him.

"B-b-but my... bits are hanging out." You whined.

"Yeah they are." Jihyun practically growled. "Turn your back to me and then look over your shoulder."

"You're not even in it! How can this be our Christmas card???" You continued complaining but followed his directions. Jihyun was not a person to disobey during a photo shoot.

"Oh I'll be in it, babe. Don't worry." Jihyun grinned wickedly to himself. Not only was he shooting Christmas photos, but photos for his own collection. "Let me set up the tripod."

But as a professional, this took him mere seconds. And then he was on you.

"J-Jihyun!" You were surprised, pleasantly.

"This sweater might be a virgin-killer but I'm no virgin. So now you're just irresistible." He held a button in his hand that would take pictures when clicked. So that's what he did.


"Alright, let's do this." Jihyun sat behind you and wrapped his arms around your torso, underneath the sweater dress.


His hands pushed your hair to one side as he nibbled at your ear.

"Smile, love." He whispered.


Then, one of his hands drifter lower. He had requested you not wear panties and now you realized why.

His fingers lightly stroked in between your folds, causing you to involuntarily rest your head against his.

"Mmm, Jihyun."

"Is that all you can say today, love? Because I'm pretty happy with that."


He began slipping the tip of one finger into you, adding his thumb to lightly brush your clitoris.

"Oohh!" You moaned out loud.

"Yeah, baby. Like that." He murmured as he increased his pace.

"M-More, please!" You asked as he teased you with just the tip of his finger.

"More? More like this?" He plunged his finger into you, causing you to moan with relief.


"Hold this for me, babe. But don't forget to press it." He handed you the remote.

As you took it, his hand quickly placed itself on your breast, fondling it and rolling your nipple between his fingers. This caused you to squirm under his touch, rubbing your ass against him.

"Ahh, ahh!~" You were always so sensitive.

"Click it." He whispered to you with a growl of lust in his voice.


As Jihyun worked his fingers faster and faster, you felt like you were losing control.

"J-Jihyun... I-I'm gonna..."

"Do it, YN. All over my fingers." He closed his eyes and added another finger in.

"Ahh! AHH~ AH!~"






He felt your body release its juices all over his fingers. Jihyun slowed his pace, allowing you to ride out the waves of pleasure.

"Oh Jihyun... What about you?" You looked at him with heavily lidded eyes.

"Don't worry, my love. I'm next."

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