Dominant!Reader x Bull!Jumin x Cuckold!Saeran ~ Simp

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Saeran came home after work to find you and Jumin fucking on the living room floor. His wife and some guy he hardly knew—his brother's coworker. He was on top of you while your heels and toes were hanging in the air, he pumped away at you.

"What is this?" Saeran narrowed his eyes, suspicious of the sight in front of him. He had recently shared some... fantasies. But this wasn't what he expected to find coming home. Jumin looked back over his shoulder and smiled at him. Then he saw his expression and his smile left. You, his wife, looked at him, then rolled your eyes.

Jumin sounded concerned. "I thought you said he wanted this."

"He does," You said. "He just doesn't know it yet."

You'd painted your toenails. You never painted your toenails for him unless you really wanted him to agree to something. It was one of those nights.

"What. Is. This." Saeran stated again, setting down his laptop bag. He didn't know what to say, but he needed to say something, so he started by saying, "Did you really think—"

In a very clear and level voice, you asserted, "Hush, my Subby Hubby."

Something in Saeran melted. Like a sugar cube getting water poured over it. He stood, quietly, docile, like a waiter hanging around while a couple chose off a menu. He did want this. He only had to let go of any preconceived notions and let it happen. You'd take care of it. You always did.

Jumin noticed something was different. "Is he okay?"

You smiled at him. "He's fine. I guess maybe there's plenty not okay with him, if you think about it like that..."

Jumin looked confused. "Do we have his consent or not?" Saeran could tell he was losing his arousal.

"If you consent, my darling," You stared straight at him. "Strip."

His shoes came off first. Then his socks. Then slacks, and underwear, and finally shirt. You turned your attention to Jumin. You reached around and felt his package. "C'mon," You said to him. "Let's get you back up to speed. Saeran, lavish some attention on him, won't you?"

He fit with his body perfectly, with his chin on Jumin's shoulder, able to smell the expensive cologne and the shower gel off of the skin on his neck. His hips were against his ass and Jumin's breath hitched. He could feel his penis through his dress pants. He could feel its outline pressing into my body.

His hands slid across Jumin's sides, fingers pressing onto his abdomen, up. He stopped over his chest, touching around it, sliding across the nipples and making him shudder again. Saeran pinched one of them, pulled on it even, making him gasp before letting it go and brushing it lightly again. Then his hands were back to exploring his skin. He slid them around his chest, his arms, over his belly before finally settling on his hips. He pushed his pants down only a little bit, freeing himself for fun.

You sighed, seeing Saeran's hands massaging Jumin's body. You could tell his penis was touching Jumin's back. His hot, stiff dick was sliding over his rear with little thrusts. It was probably the first dick Jumin ever had touch him. Today, Saeran's job is to make this man happy—that was your order. Make him happy, and make you happy.

"Jumin," Saeran heard his wife. "You like him there?"

Jumin moaned. "Yes. Fuck. Oh."

"He's into it," You assured him. "He's into anything at all. Trust me on this."

Jumin just groaned some more. He had forgotten he was even fucking you. Slowly he pulled out of you, then slightly less slowly pushed back in. Slow pull out, slightly faster push in. He didn't want to go any faster than that. He didn't want to lose the hot cock on his ass.

You were enjoying yourself, too, Saeran could tell from your scent. And the sound. More slippery. Saeran let his own hands drift down to the CEO's testicles. He jumped.

You laughed. "He's making you uncomfortable?"

"No," Jumin said. "Just... new sensation."

"Just relax," You said. You rested your heels on his shoulders. Saeran began using his other hand to slide his dick between the two pieces of flesh that faced him, while his other hand worshiped the balls. "Call him a simp."

Saeran's cock jumped. "What?" asked Jumin.

"Simp," You said. "Call him a simp. It's part of the game. You're fine, right?"

"No," said Jumin. "I mean, there's nothing wrong with that—"

"There really is," You said. "There really is something wrong with it. You know it, I know it. He knows it. It's deviant, and perverse, and unnatural. It's okay. You can say it here, in private."

Deviant. Perverse. Unnatural. His cock was dripping. Saeran could feel the head dragging between Jumin's legs.

"Do it," you repeated. "Call him a simp." When you said simp, Saeran pushed his dick as deep into Jumin's ass as he could. He wished he had added lubricant. It was unlikely that he'd get any sex at all.

"Simp," Jumin moaned as Saeran whined into his ear.

"Whoa," he said, jumping a little. "Wow."

"He loves it," you noted. "My little simp. Say it again."

"You simp," said Jumin. "You fucking simp."

Saeran moaned more. He was pretty much dissolving now. Well, all of him was dissolving except his cock. His cock was the most solid thing in the world right now. But everything else was melting pleasurably as in a warm summer rain.

You brought your hand to Jumin's cock which was frozen partially inside of you. You took his cock in your hand and started gently pumping it and whispered in his ear: "You love this as much as he does. You want this. You'll do anything with my Subby Hubby." You turned to look at Saeran. "You're sick. You're perverse. Simp," and you licked Jumin's ear, and his cock pulsed and thickened in your hand.

"I'm gonna--," Jumin retreated from your grip. He sat back on a kitchen chair and took deep breaths. Saeran got on his knees in front of him; cock straight up into his face.

"Suck his cock you simp." You laughed as Saeran did as he was told. "That's the spirit," said his wife. "Now you know how it feels, Jumin. C'mon. Have some fun."

Jumin put his hand on the back of his head. It was easy for him to boss around Saeran. "Suck me off. Suck on my dick, you dirty little slut. C'mon, you know you love it."

He sounded a lot more confident, now. And he was right. Saeran did love it. He loved sucking his cock. He loved what he was doing and what they were doing to him. You got on your knees behind Saeran, as you lightly licked his ear and jacked his cock, occasionally bringing your hand down to his balls. You ran your thumb over the head of his slippery cockhead. Lots of precum. You brought your hand to his face and wiped your thumb on his nose, making his world full of the scent of his own cock.

You sat up and knelt over by Jumin and started kissing him, caressing his face while Saeran worked away at his cock. Saeran missed your attention, but he was glad to be making him happy, because by making him happy, he was making your happy. He heard kissing noises as he worked, kissing noises that grew steadily more ragged under his breathy moans.

"Fuck, he's good," Jumin mumbled. "He's really fucking good."

"Will you cum in him?"

"Yes, soon," Jumin was hardly intelligible.

"His hair," You decided suddenly. "Grab his fucking hair and fuck him."

Saeran felt him shift, and his wife's body stiffened as he cried out. All Saeran could do was breathe deep of the scents you two were producing. He never wanted it to end.

But then it did start to end. He could tell, Jumin's sac started flexing, and his thrusts grew stronger. He pushed into his mouth harder. "Oh, fuck," Jumin cried, and his thrusts increased. "Fuck, yes." Saeran was clearly improving his experience.

"C'mon," muttered his wife. "C'mon, cum in him, fucking cum in him."

And without more than a minute more, he did. As all three of you lounged tiredly in the kitchen, you brought herself close to Saeran. He just laid in a heavy-lidded glaze, feeling your arms around him. Saeran couldn't see, but he also thought he felt the heat of Jumin as well. Then, he heard light kissing.

"So what now?" Jumin asked. "Do you want to finish? Does he?"

"Nah," you shrugged. "That's not good for him. He cums, he starts to expect it. Starts getting ideas that he deserves it. Isn't that right? You don't deserve to cum, do you?"

Saeran shook his head, no.

"Wow," Jumin said, amazed. "You?"

Saeran could actually hear you smile. He could picture your vast smile, all toothy and happy. "You're sweet. Not today. I need to get cleaned up."

"So I'd better go, is what you're saying." Jumin laughed and stood up. "Thank you. We'll have to do this again."

And so, he got dressed, and You walked him to the door, and Saeran heard low conversation. He couldn't make much of it out, except that he heard him say "next time" and he heard you seem to agree. And then the door shut, and he left.

AN: Thanks for 1 MILLION READS!!!!

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