Requested: Vanderwood X MC X Seven ~ Peeping

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Seven and Vanderwood have been friends forever. They talk about anything and everything. Seven talks to him about failed dates and Vanderwood tells him about his most recent conquest. Theirs is a friendship born of an awkward attempt at being just boss and employee that just didn't work out. But even the best of friends have secrets from each other.

"I think I might be gay." Seven stated softly, staring into his glass of Merlot.

"What!?" Vanderwood replied, more than just a little bit shocked. "Why do you think that?"

"I have been wondering what it would feel like... you know." he says slowly, still staring at the wine, unable or unwilling to look at him.

"No, no, I am pretty sure I don't know, Seven...what exactly are you talking about?"

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly...

"I wonder what it would be like to be with another man... to have another man's hand on your dick and playing with your ass...."

"Wow... that was... unexpected." Vanderwood reply, trying to think of something to say that doesn't sound lame or judgmental, since he has no room to be either, while refilling his suddenly empty glass. "But I don't think you're gay."

"You don't?"

"Nah... I mean, think about it... you like women, right? You get turned on by women. Ten minutes ago we were talking about MC and how into her we both are."

"Yeah, right, I do... and God, she is gorgeous... but..."

"Well then, maybe you aren't gay. At least in that really strict sense." He tries to sound authoritative, "I think it makes you bi. Or at the least, just open to new experiences."

"What do you think I should do about it?"

"Explore your feelings of course.", He state as matter of fact as possible, his mind still reeling. Was this his chance? Could he really tell Seven how he felt?

"And how do I go about that?"

"I don't know!" He's going to lose it at this rate. There are a few minutes of awkward silence while he tries to think of something. An idea comes to mind, but it will mean revealing a revelation of his own. "I could... We could... try some things. I'd be okay with that."

"Really?" Seven's eyes perk up and he looks at the older male with some reassurance.

"Yeah... I mean... what else are friends for? And as your boss," Vanderwood chuckled at this, "It's your job to teach you new things and to keep you safe at the same time..."

They continued the conversation until the bottle of wine was empty. It actually felt pretty good to get all that out in the open.

Meanwhile however, you were awkwardly waiting outside the door for this deep conversation to be over. There was some important paperwork that Vanderwood needed to look over and some work for Seven to complete. You had just been about to knock on the slightly open door when you had heard those words.

"I think I might be gay."

You hoped he wasn't. You had the biggest crush on both men inside this room. And that made it all the steamier when you heard your name introduced into the conversation. And even worse when you heard that final proposal.

One of your fantasies had always been to be with two bi-sexual men. The thought of two fit, gorgeous men together, touching each other, exploring each other... No way, were you missing out on that... no way at all.

You can tell Seven was nervous. He is pale, even trembling. Vanderwood, in contrast, is as smooth and confident as ever. He stands before Seven and puts his hands on Seven's broad shoulders. Your heart pounds as you peek in the crack of the door, laying flush against the wall. You knew you shouldn't be there. But you couldn't leave.

Vanderwood tells Seven to undress, and he begins to remove his own clothes as well. The sight of these two is staggering.

They are equal in height, Seven only a little smaller in build than Vanderwood, but just as impressive. Both pale and fit. Seven's red hair and gold eyes a direct contrast to Vanderwood's brown eyes and brown hair.

When they are both naked, Vanderwood approaches Seven. He stands in front of him, no more than a foot of space between them.

Vanderwood places a hand on Seven's broad chest, and runs it slowly down, over his taught abs and belly, stopping short of his already semi-erect cock.

He places his other hand on Seven's shoulder and runs it down his arm... alternating with his other hand. Back and forth it went, Vanderwood moving around Seven, caressing his body, letting him become accustomed to being touched, more than casually, but not yet intimately. Both men seem edgy.

"Touch me." Vanderwood says softly. Seven hesitates, but then raises his hands, places them on Vanderwood's shoulders, and begins to do as Vanderwood has been. Seven closes his eyes and takes a small step closer to Vanderwood, and then another. Their bodies touch and Seven's eyes snap open, a gasp of breath from his lips.

Vanderwood takes a deep breath and lets his hands roam further down Seven's body. Down to where his erection now springs proudly from his body.

Seven, like Vanderwood, keeps his groin bare. Vanderwood wraps a large hand around Seven's hard cock, and you hear Seven groan.

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