Requested: Ray x MC x V ~ Trust (Pt. 2)

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Ray's eyes looked deeply and longingly into yours, begging for what you knew was a kiss. Your relationship with him hadn't progressed past flirtation and the occasional touch here or there. But now, it was certainly going to be moving exponentially quickly.

But now was not the time to hesitate. You needed to ensure both your and V's safety. And so you pressed your lips against Ray's.

They were soft, like flower petals, and you couldn't help but lean into the kiss, pushing Ray's head back into V's groin.

V's fingers ran through your hair, pushing it behind your ear. Briefly you fluttered your eyes open to look at him, earning a wink.

That oddball. He would like this. You forgot, for just a second, that this was being done for a very important cause.

Suddenly, however, the kiss was broken by Ray.

"Your lap isn't very comfortable anymore." He whispered, looking up at the mint-haired man.

You giggled, knowing exactly what that meant. V couldn't help but laugh too, but instead of just leaving it, he pushed the envelope a bit further.

"Is yours any more comfortable than mine?" He took his hand and placed it gently on Ray's thigh. Then, he slowly moved it over towards his pelvis. "Is it okay that I do this, Ray? Do you like being touched like this?"

Ray gulped as you kissed gently at his collar bone, trying to ease his discomfort.

"I-I guess..." He stumbled over the phrase slightly.

"Oh, good." V cooed as his hand reached Ray's thick pole. "Because I like the way you feel in my hand. MC, do you want to feel it too?"

You dragged your nose up Ray's neck until you whispered in his ear.

"Could I feel you too, Ray?" You asked for his consent softly.

"Please do, MC..." Ray gave it to you quickly as your hand joined V's, making moans leave Ray's mouth left and right.

"Are you feeling better now?" V asked him quietly.

"Y-yeah... a little..." Ray moaned, leaning back into V's body.

"We can make you feel even better. Would you like that?" You offered, looking up at V, who nodded in approval.

Ray nodded quickly as he swallowed back more moans. He had never felt this way before...and to be offered an even better feeling? That was unthinkable.

Both you and V retracted your hands and adjusted your bodies.

"What..." Ray protested.

"It's okay." You smiled at him. "Lay back on the bed and take off your clothes."

"What about you and... V..." Ray hesitated and crossed his arms over his body, signalling a huge discomfort.

The plan was backfiring. You needed to do something quickly. So you turned to face V and began to pull his clothes off.

"We're undressing too. See?" You reassured him. "Do you want us to keep anything on?"

"No... That's okay..." Slowly, Ray uncrossed his arms as he watched V begin to pull your clothing off your body and run his hands over your curves, admiring them.

"Doesn't she look better like this, Ray?" V complimented you, and began kissing your neck once again.

"Yes. MC, you're beautiful." His eyes gazed over your body appreciatively and you couldn't help but be a little bit turned on by both him and V. When you turned to look back at Ray however, you noticed he hadn't removed his last layer: his underwear.

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