Yoosung x MC ~ College Classroom Hook-Up

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Yoosung★: AHHH! She's right next to me, what do I do!?!?!

ZEN: Make a move!!! MC is literally right next to you! Put your arm around her! Kiss her head! Something!

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ZEN: Make a move!!! MC is literally right next to you! Put your arm around her! Kiss her head! Something!

Yoosung★: But what if she doesn't want me to do that?!

ZEN: She knows you like her, right?

Yoosung★: Yeah I assume so... It's pretty obvious.

707 has logged on

707: lololol eat her out after class!

707: lololol eat her out after class!

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Yoosung★: WHAT!?!

Yoosung★: Can't you be serious for once!?! I really don't know what to do!

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Yoosung★: Can't you be serious for once!?! I really don't know what to do!

707: I AM being serious! Sit her on the desk, kiss her and then go for it! She'll think you're the sexiest man alive!

Yoosung★: Zen... what do you think?

ZEN:... I hate to admit it, but he's right. That's pretty good.

Yoosung★: Isn't that going too far?! I haven't even properly confessed!

"Yoosung? Yoosung?! The professor is glaring at you! Do you have to be on that messenger right now. What are you even talking about?" You looked over at Yoosung's phone.

"Uh! UH! Nothing~! I'm sorry, I'll pay attention!" But he couldn't. The way you were dressed today was driving him crazy. A plaid mini-skirt, a partially unbuttoned, white button up, black knee high socks and a loose tie. He could barely keep his dick down. Even in a subject as boring as Calculus 3.

"Yoosung? Could you let me copy this line?" You pressed your cleavage against his arm. You had a massive crush on Yoosung, but not matter how hard you pushed, you felt like he wasn't getting the hint. But you had a plan. Today, you were going to ask him to stay after class and confess your feelings to him.

"M-Maybe you could stay after class with me and copy my notes then? There's nothing going on in this room for the next hour..." Yoosung suggested. Too strong. Too obvious. She'll never agree.

"I'd love to! Thank you so much, Yoosung!" This was all going to plan. You just needed to get him alone.

As the class ended and everyone left, you two hung around. Standing up, you leaned over your and Yoosung's notes, pretending to copy them down.

Yoosung took in the sight of your ass pushed out, almost hanging out of your tiny skirt. I can do this. He thought to himself bravely.

"Umm, is there, um, anything you don't get?" He leaned down on top of you, capturing you between his arms.

"Yeah... I don't think I get why I like you so much." You blushed and turned to look at Yoosung's shocked expression.

But that face didn't last long. Immediately, you trembling lips were overtaken by his desperate ones. Quickly, you turned to face him and felt his strong arms wrap around you.

The passionate kiss quickly turned into a heated make-out session as Yoosung lifted your body up and set you down on the desk. Using this leverage, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, which you willingly accepted.

"I've... I've wanted to do this for a long time, MC. Could I... Could I... Maybe..." Yoosung's voice dropped to a whisper, "eat you out?"

You giggled at his shyness, but willingly spread your legs for him.

As he quickly kneeled down and put his head inside your skirt, he noticed something very interesting.

"No panties? Were you... Did you want to do something like this today?"

You just blushed and pushed his head closer to you.

Delicately, he began licking your folds. As you quietly moaned and mewled for him, he became more bold. His arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you closer to him. The controlled swipes of his tongue became more passionate and before long he was sucking, licking and tonguing your insides.

You pulled on his hair and panted loudly, desperately trying to keep from making too much noise. But soon, the lewd noises and the attention given to your nether regions overwhelmed you and your juices spilled onto Yoosung's lips.

Greedily, he gave an attempt at cleaning you up before he head surfaced from your skirt.

"Would you... could you... come back to my house with me?"

"Oh God, Yoosung, take me there right now!" You cheered as you hopped up on wobbly legs and pulled him towards the exit. He was going to be in for a fun-filled afternoon.

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