Jihyun x MC ~ A Good Way to Wake Up

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You looked at Jihyun spread out across his work table. He had been up all night planning, budgeting and scheduling the next month. He had a gallery exhibition, lots of bills due and most of all, his wedding to you.

As you walked into his office with a cup of fresh tea and a bagel, you noticed he was completely passed out. You smirked you yourself mischievously.

He's been working so hard lately... I should give him a little "relief". You thought.

Quietly, you dropped to your knees and crawled under the table. As you gently unzipped his pants, you noticed he was already fully erect. It was after all, morning and he was asleep.

Carefully, you pulled his pants down just enough to pull his dick out of his pants.

He shifted slightly and you quickly froze. Once he settled back in, you gently wrapped your lips around the tip of his thick, engorged member. As you licked the very tip, you heard a light moan escape his lips. Smiling, you wrapped your hand around the base of his dick and began rubbing it slowly as you pushed your lips further down. You sucked on it as you increased your pace. You wrapped your tongue around the tip, you thought you had heard another moan. As you stroked faster, you listed your other hand in order to rub his testicles gently. You felt him tense up and decided to really go for it.

Taking your hands away, you took a deep breath and pushed your lips as far down as you could go on Jihyun's dick.

"Ahhhg~" Jihyun woke up just as he orgasmed into your mouth.

As he panted, you crawled out from the desk, you smiled at Jihyun who was tucking himself back in his pants.

"Oh you little succubus, come here!" He rubbed his eyes and held out his arms to you.

You sat yourself on his lap and kissed him deeply. Jihyun took this opportunity to deepen the kiss, running his tongue along your lips. As you entwined your fingers in his hair, he brought his hand up to your breast, which he lightly squeezed. As you moaned into his mouth, you felt yourself becoming more and more excited. Eventually, the kiss was broken. You looked at Jihyun with dazed eyes, swollen lips and flushed cheeks. He had never been so attracted to you.

"And what did I do to warrant this kind of attention?" Jihyun rubbed against your neck

"You asked me to marry you, remember?"

"Oh did I? Best decision of my life, apparently. Can I ask you again tomorrow?" He laid his head on your shoulder as he grabbed the bagel in front of him and took a bite of it.

You swatted at his shoulder and kissed his forehead.

"I think tomorrow, I'm going to ask you to marry me." You winked at him.

"Oh baby, you don't have to ask me, I'll pleasure you anytime you want."

"I might just have to take you up on that offer, Jihyun. Right now."

Jihyun smiled.

"Yes, ma'am!"

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